A sad week as we lost my great grandma. She was a 102 and my youngest dd is named after her (pic taken a few years ago). The funeral was beautiful, lively (with my family, what else would it be? lol) and such a tribute to a phenomenal woman. My great grandma always wore pins on her outfits. Gorgeous pins. She had a lot of them. When we arrived for the funeral, all family members were allowed to pick out one of her pins to wear to the funeral and to keep, even the guys. It was so wonderful to see a piece of her all around the room. My youngest came up to me after the funeral, wide eyed. She said ' I know how I can remember great great grandma for always. I have a pin of hers and I can keep it.' I told her 'you have another way to remember her for always that no one else has.' 'How?' she asked. I said 'You have her name, no one else does'. She was thrilled to know she was the only one. It was a special moment. Great grandma will be missed.
Life continues on, even when you think it should stop for awhile until you get your bearings again. We had Vacation Bible School all week. While the kids went, I was able to work on a few things for swaps and just for me. Can't see my art room, but I've had fun and that is all that matters.
Last week I posted a teaser of card backgrounds. I've been working through the ATC Workshop book mentioned earlier. These are cards with 'gold leafing pen' (I used a metallic pen), stencils & then Inky layers. I haven't used all the backgrounds, but I'm working on it.

Last week I found a wonderful new forums board to play with: ATCards. You know how much I love ATCs. *wink* SO I've been having a lovely time there getting to know people, joining swaps and trading cards with individuals. Here are some ATCs I've made this week:

For a 'Striped Legs' Swap. Don't you just love her knobby knees! lol

A couple weeks ago I went to a fabulous church garage sale that is huge and found so much stuff! I won't bore you with a long list of all my finds but I wanted to show you these adorable little paintings. They are ALMOST ATC size and I was floored at the detail that someone was able to achieve on such a small scale!

It has inspired me to attempt, notice I said ATTEMPT to paint. So far, my 'paintings' tend to be kid like and 'coloring in between the lines' but I like them. So far. Maybe someday I'll take some lessons.

These are for a 'whimsical swirls' swap. Do you think I succeeded? lol

I'm tired and heading to bed. Next week looks pretty relaxed FINALLY except some more organizing/cleaning and Tuesday I have Jury Duty. Wish me luck...
(P.S. Just keeping ignoring the dust around here. I haven't had a moment to work on the blog.)
1 comment:
Sorry about your loss. At 102 she must have had some great stories to share.
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