
Friday, February 22, 2008

Handmade Monday

Just a quick post with pics of the cards I made for Handmade Monday's theme of 'BIRDS'. I love birds! I don't know what it is about them. My great grandma used to feed the birds, talk to them and watch them out her beautiful paned window. She had a little sign on the window sill with a feeder that said 'Squirrel Crossing.' I loved that sign, the squirrels really liked to sit up next to the window and eat out of that feeder! The birds filled her yard, feeders and birdhouses nestled among the rosebushes.She could name every bird.


  1. You described your Grandmother in such an endearing way. I've enjoyed reading your blog today. Love your work. I love birds, too, and, in fact, just finished a painting about a white crow that I see in my dreams sometimes.

    Have a nice weekend.
    Stacy Alexander

  2. those are gorgeous! i love them both! isnt collage wonderful?

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog party! You can bring whatever you want...especially ice cream..LOL

    Had fun checking out your blog. I really like your style.


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