
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Creative Therapy 'Rain'

I realized while starting to clean my desk that I forgot to post about this week's Creative Therapy challenge. I did my own version of 'Something You Remember From Childhood'. You can see my piece on the challenge blog, but I'll also post it here with my journaling. New challenge is Monday! Are you playing along?

I have many memories from childhood, but the one I most tell my kids about is rain. When I was little, I remember my mom letting us go play outside in the rain. We used to march up and down on the sidewalk with our pots and pans, playing in the rain band. I always loved to be out in the rain with my umbrella because the smell was so fresh and sweet. It was the one time you were allowed to splash in the rain and mud puddles without getting in trouble!

Whenever it was too wet or not safe to be out we would spend the day inside, drinking hot chocolate and playing board games. I always smile with I hear people say they hate rain. For me, it holds some of my favorite memories. (My father used to take so many pictures of us kids. This is one he took of me.)

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little stinker!

    The rings are adorable.

    I can't find Emma. Told you she got a little, umm, tedious? If that's the word I want . . .


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