
Monday, April 14, 2008

Good & Random Things.

(my silly girls)

Just a quick post. I've not been creating today. I've been reading my Emma book, when I wasn't at church or family's house. It's coming along and i'm not bogged down in the meaningless mire of platitudes and overly described details. We're hitting some action now.

2 good things to report this week:

-- My sister in law is prego. We're overjoyed. It's very early in her pregnancy but she has almost 6 year old twin girls so it was about time. We haven't had a new family member now for 6 years.
-- My mom hit a deer yesterday head on. She was on a lonely stretch of backroad highway at dusk. The big deer walked in front of the car, she hit it and it flew over the car. Hairs were left in the hood and where the windshield meets the roof. It could have so easily come through the windshield or the skyroof. We are thankful she is okay and unscathed. Even drove that wreck of a car home another 45 miles. God is good.

Random thoughts for you:
-- At the Altered Gypsy forums, we're thinking of doing a Gothic Arch swap, based on this challenge that some artists took on. Wanna play along? Come join us!
-- My friend Kersten has been posting inspiring work, up a storm. Such vibrant colors. Go see.
-- My friend Audrey is always inspiring me to try new things. Did you see her Stampington project of last week? If you don't subscribe to the free email, you SHOULD! Go look.
-- I joined another swap. Yes, I know I've been complaining about all the time homeschooling is taking. Yes, I know I need to clean my artroom yet again. Yes, I know I have things to do and we're thinking of moving... But its a PARIS swap! Enough said. My partner is so uber talented. GO look. Especially at her etsy shop. I'm contemplating that Celebrate sign. Gorgeous!
-- We rented the Spiderwick Chronicles WII game this weekend. The air has been filled with screams of 'the goblins are coming, the goblins are going to eat us!' Ahhh, joy. I don't care if the game critiques didn't rate it superb, my family LOVES it. We might have to buy this game. We've already seen the Spiderwick Movie, and also purchased this, this and this book. We read the first 5 books before going to see the movie. I think we're thoroughly invested now. ha
-- Jennifer of the Naughty Secretary Club has the most adorable jewelry. My favorite is this ring. You know how many times I've looked at that thing?! I'm just sure I'm going to debate buying it for too long and it will be sold out. Maybe I'll make a decision this week. I love this and these too. I'm missing her show Craft Lab. Hoping they bring it back soon soon soon. I don't know what DIY could be thinking keeping it off the air for so long. I'm a huge fan, can you tell?!
-- If you haven't already looked, I listed some of the rings in my Etsy store. More are going up this week plus the little girls' bag I made.
-- My artroom is atrocious (as my 8 yr old would say), so look for some giveaways soon. I have too much junk (as my dh would say) so I'm going to start purging...

Hope the start of your week is productive and full of artful promise.


  1. Thank goodness you mom is okay. That is so scary!

  2. glad to hear your mom is ok and the good news re the SIL.
    you have been so busy posting since last i was on.. would you jusyt look at the pout on your oldest daughter :))and the smile on the younger.
    have a great week
    take care
    chriss x


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