
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall, Kansas City & New Art (freebie too!)

(CAUTION: Picture laden post.)

I'm so enjoying fall. Is it fall yet where you live? Today I took the pup pup out to do her business and she ran to and fro kicking up leaves (Kind of like the speedster on Heroes! lol). I could see her tongue hanging out in joy as she ran through the yard. I think she likes fall as well. Our yard is certainly showing signs of autumn. Leaves are changing and littering the yard in an array of colors. The small trees and vines that grow along our fencing are looking more bare and dropping their burrs and those pokey little balls the trees have. All the berries are drying up and the little flowers are almost all gone. Pup pup always comes inside with mini-burrs embedded in her fur and she has to endure a good brushing.

This weekend we headed to downtown Kansas City to watch DH run his first half marathon. in 6 years. (He's been training for his marathon coming up in January in Disneyworld!) My camera decided not to work at the exact moment he came across the line so I don't have that picture but here's an 'after' pic. He looks pretty good for running 13.1 miles. I would be dead at 1 mile. lol

What a sea of people. And this is just the runners waiting in line to get their fruit, juice, yogurt and cookies. You should have seen all the spectators!

Pic of dd watching for DH.

I also took a few pics of buildings in the surrounding area. I really liked the big yellow sign. If I had had more time I would have driven around to find more signs. The old metal lettering delights me.

My father works at an architectural firm right next to where the marathon began and ended ,so we went to see his office. I love all the little design elements, lamps and structures they have inside. The outside metal pieces on the buillding are copper tin-core. On the left (behind the yellowish tree) they have a built in grill for when they have office parties.

On Sunday we celebrated the extended family's 3 October birthdays.
Mine, mom and SIL's birthdays. I received lovely gifts of 2 fall scarves (one dd has already stolen although I plan to steal it back.), a yummy fall candle, a magnetic towel rack for the kitchen -Love it- and kitchen towels. Everything was my style and I love them. I was a bit poor so I made gifts for both of them. They seemed to enjoy them, I hope.

Here are some of the family pics from our party.
(Do you remember my post about my father, the coffee connoisseur, and how he roasts and grinds his own beans, AND collects vacuum coffee pots? You can see some of his coffee pot collection in the background of some of these pictures.)

(These are pics from last fall; looking into my neighbor's yard. Our colors aren't quite to this gorgeousness yet. Soon though.)

Last but not least... A few weeks ago I picked up pretty leaves from my back yard and couldn't resist scanning them in and making a sheet I can print and use in art. I thought I'd share them with you. Just click on them to go to my Flickr account. There you can click on 'All Sizes' above the pic and then do the right click-save to computer thing and enjoy! If you make art with them, let me know. Feel free to share them on your blog, just link to my blog please. Have fun creating!

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