
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Introducing... Macy Kate

Well, before my sister-in-law disowns me (or threatens to not bring the cheesy potatoes for Christmas dinner) I better post about the new addition to our extended family. You can ohhh and ahhh with me.

SIL Kelly was supposed to have a c-section on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Instead, she went into labor Thanksgiving evening, 3 am really. We met her and my brother Andrew at the hospital to pick up their twin girls to sleep at our house. I decided to stay at the hospital just in case I was needed. My brother and I ended up helping her deliver the baby (she chose to deliver instead of the CS). It was a wonderful experience and she is adorable.

Meet Macy Kate (Katherine) Riddle
Born November 28, 2008
6 lbs 3 oz. 18.5 in long

I'm an aunt once again.


  1. Absolutely adorable!!!!! Thanksgiving surprise?

  2. Ahhh, how gorgeous is Macy Kate Riddle.
    A good weight too.

    congratulations to the proud parents and the once again aunty.

  3. you lucky auntie, she's adorable!

    i get to be an aunt again, too!!



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