
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow & Painting

This is what our day was like yesterday. I always enjoy the first snow of the year. My little one is anxious to go out and play and I'm usually caught without new gloves and hat for her. Why don't I remember to buy those when its not snowing out? She and the dog had the best time playing, although we had to run warm water over the dog's tummy to get the balls of snow off her fur. Then, the worrywarts that we are, we wrapped her in a towel and sat her on a heating pad to dry so she wouldn't get a chill. Yes, we spoil the dog.

I wanted to share a commission I finished up last month and mailed out. (It's just like the one I made for dd.) I'm very excited about how it came out. The baby in the piece is too adorable! The customer wanted the baby's name incorporated into the painting so I used modeling paste through a stencil. I love that look and will try it again.


  1. how cute is that! the texture is wonderful.

  2. Love the baby "dress". Look at all the layers of paint and look there is pink paint!!!! Now all it needs is glitter!!

    Lovely piece!! Glad to see you finished it.

  3. that turned out awesome! i love the raised letters...and the pink!


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