
Friday, January 02, 2009

Creative Everyday

In keeping with my goal to live more consciously, I looked around me to see what was needed. Unfortunately it was cleaning. Doesn't that just suck? I think God is poking his finger in my back and saying 'look alive!' Ugh. I hate cleaning. Okay, I don't mind it once I get going but its the starting and all the thinking of how it will be a mess again within a day, that really deters me.

So I worked on some things yesterday, resting in between since the cough-monster still has ahold of me. The bathroom now sparkles (well, it has a dull sheen, lets say that), and the art room is started. 2 things happened while cleaning my art room. I found all these packages for people who won my birthday giveaways. So if you never received a package from me, I'm a dweeb. I know I sent a ton out but I have about 7 here. I'll get them out before we go on vacation next week. The 2nd thing that happened during my cleaning, I made new art. I had a project due for Creative Therapy but I've had no gumption or creative fairy dust to help me. I decided to start with stuff found on my desk (and believe me, there is ALOT on my desk. lol) I'm starting to like what I made so be on the lookout for it on Monday's post. Here's a sneak peek...

Today while checking out some blogs, I found that several people are a part of the Creative Everyday 2009 challenge. I'm thinking I'll at least put the badge up on my blog to remind me to be creative everyday. I think she is even going to have monthly themes if people choose to follow them. I think its good to be creative everyday whether its in art, words, cooking, decorating or what have you. How are you creative today?

P.S. I was thinking today that its about time for another round of studio organizing tips. Last year's tips were so popular and while I followed every one, I still have some problems. I need new/more solutions. If you have any to share, let me know. So stay tuned...


  1. Oh goodie! It will be like Christmas in January :)

    I just found a teapot I had picked up earlier in the year for someone to give as a gift. This year I'm going to wrap up whatever I make or pickup for someone, wrap it, address it, and mail it when I'm ready. Yep, that sounds like a pretty good plan don't you think? :)

    I just joined Creative Everyday 2009. Having that badge will be a good reminder for ME as well! Glad I read about it here on your blog.

    Happy *Creative* New Year!

  2. creative every day.

    that is a challenge.

    i like it.

    come clean my art room next??

  3. Ha! Like I'm really gonna. You know I'm never gonna clean my way out of THIS room, don't you?!

  4. I think God is poking his finger in my back and saying 'look alive!' Ugh. I hate cleaning.

    That made me choke a little on my Diet Coke. Hilarious! And we all hate cleaning, especially when we're well aware it's just going to get dirty again. What can we say? Art is messy!

    Good luck, and lovely collage!

  5. I would rather be stamping or playing a video game instead of cleaning however, I like the end result enough to go through the pain of cleaning.

    Organization tip-pick up clutter daily!! Pick one room and everyone must have their personal belongings out of that room at the end of the day-mine is the living room.

    I am working on my basement still!! Going through my DS dresser that he left when he moved!

  6. sigh, this is my year to declutter and keep it that way so I feel your pain.

    your project is very intriguing. i look forward to seeing more

  7. I'm like you,I hate cleaning but once I get into a zone,there's no stopping me and feel so much better after everything is in it's place.

    Here's to a 'somewhat' clutter free 2009!


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