
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Everyday Art

Because of my goal to Live Consciously and another goal to be Creative Every day (as I can); and because I visited EBeck's blog which threw me over to Margaret's blog... I made this:

It's an art log. To keep track of the days I do actual art (no, not when I doodle on the bills while I pay them, but for real painting/collaging/drawing art.) My chart is not as pretty as Margaret's filled ones but it will do for now. Thanks for the inspiration ladies! I'm shooting for a goal of 1/2 filled. Is that too ambitious? I figure if you can dream it, plan it, want it enough; it can come true.

P.S. Now, I know you all will be saying your nighty prayers before you tuck yourself in to bed tonight. Send a prayer up for me and the fam. We're flying out uber early in the morning and i'm not looking forward to it. I'll keep in touch and try to blog while down there. If you have a favorite Orlando place to visit, restaurant to eat at or activity to do, please share as we're still thinking on all we want to do.


  1. I'm believing that your flight was smooth and you have arrived in Orlando safely.

    Love the idea of the wall calendar for marking your "art days". I TOO am having a lot of fun staying creative every day.

    Stop by for a visit when you can :)

  2. Nope, no such luck. We haven't flown yet. We leave in the morning. I wish I could be just like Sam in Bewitched and *blink* my way to Florida. lol

  3. Love the project! And I can think of so many other uses for a calendar like that too!

    Travel mercy prayers for you and yours!!!!!

  4. Hope the flight wasn't too bad for you.

    enjoy your hols and do love the idea of keeping track and trying to create every day...I doodle on the bills to.... lol

    take care and here is 2 a creative 2009.

    chriss x

  5. I love charts & lists!! Great idea to keep on track!! Now if I can just find the time to create a chart!

  6. i've been too busy and not blog hopping lately ... happy to see that you have a calendar going too!

  7. A friend of mine sent me a link to this post, to tell me about art logs. Wonderful idea, isn't it? Thanks for sharing the links and your own interpretation of the art log. I'm making one now! I was able to think back and look at my regular calendar and rescue some creative days from earlier this month to mark off.

    Thanks again!


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