
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Sweet Husband Alert & Swaps

My DH did the sweetest thing yesterday. I hate to fly. Utterly abhor it. Can't sit still in my seat (I usually lean forward and read my book outloud under my breath), my whole family refuses to sit by me on the plane. No seriously. No one wants to although I make DH sit with me so I don't faint or die. Anyway, he knows this. Last nght DD and I went out to buy another suitcase since I had purged all ours that were broken or stained or what-have-you. We are down to 1 and that won't work. We picked up a combo set at a thrift store for $5! Steal! Anyway... I digress. I came home to this taped to my monitor.

(Click to see closeup.) He is trying to assure me that there is no bad weather between here and Florida. I thought it was such a sweet thing of him to do. Made me so happy. I may need to save that and put it on the front page of my travel journal if I manage to make one this trip.

I'm trying to look forward to our trip and I'm sure I'll be fine once I'm on the ground and in a car. We're heading to Disneyworld once again. DH is going to run the marathon through all 4 parks. We're so proud of him, it will be his first. We're praying very hard because he injured his hip 2 months ago and hasn't been able to train as much as he would like. I'm sure he is going to succeed with flying colors though.

While we're down there, family is coming with us and we're sharing a house that we rented last time we went there. Wonderful house. If you ever need a place to stay, rent it. Can't go wrong. We're spending the week, going to the beach, Disneyworld, Kennedy Space Center (am I the only one who keeps calling this Cape Canaveral?), Universal Studios and of course we're hitting up the IKEA. Can't leave town without stopping there!

I'm very excited to once again see my friend Janet. I'll also be meeting up with another friend I've never met in person, Lily. We're hopefully going to all get together and do art, work on backgrounds and have lunch. I can't wait!

Okay, onto a little art. I'm bringing several things with me to work on in my downtime in the house. At AlteredGypsy, we're doing a Row House swap (ATC size. Inspired by a previous swap at Oxford Impressions, examples here). Can't wait to get started on those! Also today I found out about a Party Dress Garland Swap. I printed out the template and put together a pile of papers to take with me to play with them. You should join the swap too!

(Click on the dress badge below.) So fun.

In visiting another friend's blog, I found that she is thinking about doing a Crown swap! A crown swap! You know how much I love crowns! I am a Contessa after all (even if its only in my own mind. lol) If you want to play along, just let her know.

Finally, if you're looking for more swapping fun and you own Oxford Impressions products (stamps, collage sheets), they are doing a Valentines ATC Swap. I don't own any products as of yet. I might try to buy some soon though. I love everything they make. Especially their new Fairy Sweets stamps. And the Birds Nest, and April In Paris and the... well. You get the idea. I can see where the money I received as a Christmas gift is going to go soon! lol


  1. That is so sweet of your DH... isn't it nice when they surprise us!
    Thanks for all the swap info too - hope you have a great trip.

  2. i've been away and just read your last five posts! ...
    yes, eat lime sherbert for breakfast ...
    yes, i understand wanting to lose weight and not quite doing it ...
    yes, you got WAY groovy christmas arsty gifts ....
    yes, you are so lucky to be going to florida ...
    yes, i call it cape canaveral too ....
    happy new year, dear!

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    have fun at cape canaveral !
    I understand your fear of flying too. I fly once in a while but I hate it. I would rather drive.
    Thanks for the swap info. The dresses are so cute.

  4. looks like you are going to be busy in swaps for a while. wow.

  5. hey.

    i wanna swap too!

    (and we already knew your dh was sweet.)

    have fun in Florida!!


  6. so i'm at home ( s l o w internet),
    and the pic just came up--

    he made you a collage!!!!



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