
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Weighty Thoughts & Valentines

Wouldn't you know it? As soon as I get weight weighing heavy on my mind, Oprah makes a whole show about it! Mind you, I don't watch Oprah all the time but she's been leading up to this new 'Best Life' week for weeks. I had to watch to see what she was talking about. The program yesterday with Bob Greene really had me thinking about weight issues and why I really fail at losing it. It's not about the food at all, but then I guess we knew that didn't we? Just haven't wanted to figure out why I eat what I eat when I eat it, and what I'm really looking for instead. Boy! Deep blogging today huh! lol Anyway, after doing the catalyst for Creative Therapy yesterday, it's been on my mind. I don't like to make resolutions really but I can see I'm thinking about some changes I want to make this year. Just for me.

I think we get caught up in whatever else we should be doing (in my case; mothering, wife-ing, teaching homeschool, sometimes chores) that we forget to take care of US. I know, I do art when I can but I'm not much of a girlie girl so I let the other things slide like haircuts, painting my nails, coloring my hair, buying new clothes, exercising/eating right, using lotion so my skin is soft. Stuff like that. Things that make me feel better but feel like a hassle until I do them. I need to learn to take care of ME this year. I tell my husband he is so lucky. I am so lo-maintenance compared to some other women. I hardly wear makeup, cut my hair every 2 years, dye it every 6 months. I just bought a pile of clothes after probably 3 years of the same old clothes. I only wear one pair of shoes until they die and I don't wear much jewelry. He is so lucky. I could be so much MORE expensive, I say. lol He says I make up for it in art supplies but even then, I don't buy anything very often.

Wow, my own personal diary today is what this blog is. Okay, on to a little art. In between moments of coughing and planning for our Florida trip Friday (more on that later), I had some time to make a canvas for an upcoming Valentine swap. Also made a pretty valentine card. I just love crepe paper! What do you think? I think I want to make a few more since I'm in 2 swaps.

6x6" canvas: (Rhonda, I finally used my Stampin Up stamps, are you proud?!), fabric letters, AlteredPages image of lady, watercolor bkground w/writing in Koh-i-noor pencils. Hand stitches, lots of glitter glue of course.

Valentine Card: French script stamp from Stampin Up. Pink crepe (I folded it so one side was shorter than the other side and then ruffle glued it to the heart.) Heart made of collaged papers. Image by AlteredPages.


  1. Love your use of crepe paper :)

  2. Both of your pieces are so dreamy and lovely!

    It's so hard to be a wife, mother, friend, etc and remember to take care of ourself too! It's so important though. But it's so hard to get into the habit, yet so easy to fall out of the habit!

    Best wishes for the new and healthy you this year!

  3. Wow.....who didn't watch that Oprah!! Love your art, beautiful! I really love the hand stitching.

  4. Kris you are so right, taking care of yourself now will benefit you and your husband in the long run. And don't forget Dr. visits and mammograms.

    love katie

  5. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Oh, your valentine is just gorgeous!!! I really enjoyed your blog entry! I've been making the time for art and exercise most mornings this year. I agree, it's so hard to remember to take care of ourselves! But it's so important! I'm learning that I MUST take care of ifs, ands or buts. It's hard but feels good. : )


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