
Monday, January 05, 2009

Dream Big - Creative Therapy

This was a harder one for me. Be sure to drop by Creative Therapy for everyone's Big Dream posts. Always inspiring!

About the piece:
I'm sure losing weight has been on everyone's New Years Resolutions list at one time or another. I don't tend to put it on mine anymore because I just don't stick with it. But I was reflecting on this last year. I went from diet to diet, only lasting a couple weeks depending on when the next sweets showed up and I broke my diet. I realize I'm floundering. What do I really want? For over 22 years I've struggled consciously with my weight. We even have trouble having children and the only way we were blessed with 2 was when I had stuck to losing some weight. So when I thought about this week's catalyst my dream would be lose a large amount of weight. I'm happy where I'm at. But I know within the last 20 years I've lost that confident, self assured persona I used to have. I don't put myself out there into the world as much and I want that freedom back. I feel trapped. I don't want to be trapped anymore. I'm sure there is some psychological mumbo jumbo to explain why I let myself fail at every diet I've ever tried. I don't want to do that anymore. That is the big dream I want to achieve. I want ME back.

Techniques: Watercolor paper with alcohol inks (red/gold) swiped in random areas (the background is a bit chaotic, kind of like I feel.) White colored pencil circles and drawing. Use painted paper to cut out a house shape (leftover from a kids class Trisha taught.) Images by Vintage fabric flower from a hat. Gutter guard used for gate. Hand stitches around the house and on the fence. Oil pastels used to write 'dream', pen and rubons used for numbers and the rest of the words. Inked the edges. Painted the edges of a canvas and attached the watercolor.

Don't you just love sneak peeks? I have a little one for you of some projects I'm working on. Can you guess what they might become?


  1. Your art is amazing, I wish you well in whatever you decide to do. Weight loss is a journey, make it fun along the way.


  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I know what you mean about the moleskines...they are so pristine and perfect when you first get them. Want a recommendation? Take off the wrapping, then open your front door and throw it outside. Then step on it. Then open some pages randomly and dribble watered down paint on it. You gotta wreck it a bit to make it less perfect. THEN it will be ready for you to work in! :')


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