
Sunday, January 04, 2009

Week of Thoughts

Random thoughts rolling around in my wide open head...

1. Why does my dog lay around looking like a rotisserie chicken with her legs all stuck out?

2. Is it bad to want Lime Sherbet for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

3. I wanna take the fam to France, Italy & possibly Spain, maybe in April 2010. I wonder how long it would take to save $10,000?

4. Why does the manufacturer make the kid's sewing machine harder to use than an adults? Are they trying to torture us further?

5. I don't think I wore a bra all week. It pays to be sick. Pajamas all day, baby!

6. If I surround myself with art supplies and keep messy art desks but never do any art, am I still considered an artist?

7. I wonder how long I can get away with leaving the Christmas tree up? It makes a great nightlight.

8. Why do I have a jar of googlie eyes on my desk? When was the last time I used those? Have I ever?

9. Am I too old to put colored stripes in my hair? I bought pink for the teen and blue for me.

10. Why do we own clothing for the dog? Are we insane?


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Love your blog.
    Tree stays up til after Jan 6. ( Three Kings Day ) the day we end our Holiday Celebrations and exchange gifts.
    Stripes in hair? Go for it you are an Artist right?
    Saving $10,000.... Easy.... stop buying clothes for the dog and things like googlie eyes.
    I never got paid for being sick but I do like not wearing a bra.

  2. Love your thoughts! I'll have to do a post like this one of these days. Too funny :)

    By the way, I NEVER wear a bra when I'm at home. It's just so "freeing" isn't it?!

  3. lol! Thanks for a little blogging smile today!

  4. Our tree has to come down asap or DH gets annoyed!! Clothes for the dog? My DD puts clothes on the bunny!! Bought her a new outfit for Christmas LOL!

    Googlie eyes? All kinds of possibilities come to mind!!!

    No bra for a week?? We have too much company for that to happen LOL!!


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