
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Distractions

I really planned to be responsible today. I woke up with a list of to-dos that I should be diligent about. But I've been distracted by:

* the laughter of children playing monopoly (calling it 'math' for homeschooling)
* the dog chewing up her bone by my feet, looking up with a smile of satisfaction
* the vibrant green of the lawn and trees after the spring rain we had last night. The birds are loving it too!
* the pile of library books that need to go back. I'd bagged them up and then promptly sat down to read a few that I forgot I had checked out.
* the need to draw.

Both children are now watching separate videos for art. One on charcoal drawings that look like Da Vinci's sketches. I love it and want to try. The other is watching beginning drawing of contours and shading using pencil and colored pencils. Who can think of dishes and laundry when art is afoot?!

I started my morning out with a blog run. Right down the right side of my blog. Almost everyone had new posts that I 'must read' with my breakfast. Vanessa is so self assured and knows exactly what makes here happy. MiddleofNowhere is tempting me to start my own circus collection. JoAnna's post today has reminded me once again to hold my family tighter and to be even more thankful for the God that holds me closer than anyone. Mrs. Pom has the most lovely tea time with family. The candied ginger calls my name. Suzan has been painting again, which always inspires me to do the same. I am so envious of the Denyse Schmidt quilt shown at The Purl Bee. I need to make one now. Scrap basket, here I come!

No pictures today. The camera is in the studio downstairs and I know if I go down there I'll want to stay and play. I think I'll do dishes so I can feel semi-responsible and then maybe I'll make some banana bread. That sounds more fun! (Oh, and read the book I found in the library pile; On What Grounds - by Cleo Coyle. So far so good! I love a good mystery!)

Remind me to show you where I hung my Suzan Buckner art piece and the garage sale find that goes with it so perfectly! Plus, check out the pics of my babies on my homeschool blog. They had a recital this week!


  1. hey!

    just so you know, for some odd reason, all the e-mails i send to rr accounts are being bounced back.

    will see what's up with that.

  2. Sounds like you had a meaningful day!

  3. oh my gosh, we're going out of town and I don't have a book. which makes me want to come swipe yours.

    you're blogging about as much as i am lately--are you finished with school? tell your girlies i played in recitals sitting in that same spot, many long years ago!

  4. Wow! I just love your blog...and your work! Thanks for sharing!

  5. i'm home! just finished the third book; you saved the day! you wouldn't happen to have more of the series????

  6. apparently my e-mail is still arguing with roadrunner. i receive fine, but no can send.

    anyway, THANK YOU for the book supply. i needed a silly series fix!!

    is it okay to pick up/return Wed??

  7. Thanks for the heads up about the wonky pictures on my blog :)

  8. Chemistry = J not finished with it yet, but should be before next semester.

    Magazine = believe it or not, haven't even opened it yet!! It's wrapped still in my tote wrapped in a plastic bag, because i wasn't taking any chances getting anything on it.

    was NOT as careful with the library books. that must say something about me, but whatever . . .

  9. Chemistry = J not finished with it yet, but should be before next semester.

    Magazine = believe it or not, haven't even opened it yet!! It's wrapped still in my tote wrapped in a plastic bag, because i wasn't taking any chances getting anything on it.

    was NOT as careful with the library books. that must say something about me, but whatever . . .


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