
Saturday, February 06, 2010

Day 1 - Beauty Challenge

I was blog hopping this evening, checking out what the blogrollers have been up to this week when low and behold, I came across Bluebirdbaby's latest post. Apparently she believes a bit of beauty might brighten up our winter. I tend to agree. She is initiating a 30 days of Beauty photography challenge, whereby you post pics of things you find around you that are beautiful. (You can also visit my photography blog for a different set of Beauty photographs.)

Today I've been working my tail off in the art studio organizing and going through boxes. The room has been sorely neglected for a few months while I hibernated but it was time to finish off what I started in November. No pictures of the set up yet but I did find some pretty things I've bought recently that needed new homes. 

These gorgeous berries are used for Christmas Tree decorations but can't you just see them on some assemblage creation? I plan to play with them this year. Something about the vibrant magenta color is inspiring!

I found I had bought a whole mess of little jewels during the after Christmas sales. You know, the kind that already have their own stickiness. Love those for finishing off a project or card. I think I'm set for life with them now though! lol But they were only 10 cents. I couldn't pass up that deal!

Today, beauty to me is in the details, the pretty supplies, the hints of organizing actually come to fruition!


  1. I LOVE your new header - don't know how long you've had it, unfortunately I'm really behind in my hopping!!
    What a great idea, too, think I'll grab my camera!

  2. Hey, you're posting again! Yay!

    Very pretty berries, and who doesn't love a glittery pile of stickery sparkley jewels??

  3. Sooo pretty! LOVE the magenta berry things. I bet they really "pop" on the tree!


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