
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Day 2 - Studio Love

Day 2 of the Beauty Challenge - Studio Love

I've been in the art studio all evening, while the superbowl was being enjoyed elsewhere in the house. I had the place all to myself, no interruptions, no noise... except classical  music playing on the TV. Heaven. 


As I'm putting things away, and moving things around, I'm noticing so many beautiful things. Did you know pens can be beautiful? All the vibrant colors. I love color. 

Must be why I like to spin my paint holder around a lot. It's like willing a rainbow to appear!

I'm sure I've mentioned before that I love fabric? That I have too much for my own good? My mother would be so proud. I actually used some this evening while creating valentine goodies (I'll share pics of those soon.) 


Plus I kind of have a thing for little unusual dolls and other touches placed around the room.

I was thinking the other day about animals and how they can't see color. I can't image going through life with only black and white as my palette. Think of all God's beauty we'd be missing out on!


  1. Wow, you need me to help you clean out that fabric cupboard!! I am drooling.....

    Love all of your things of beauty. I need to try that challenge!

  2. Is the layout/design new? LOVING IT!!!

    I too agree! It would be sad to be limited in the world's colors like animals are. So glad I'm human! :o)


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