
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Okay, now that the LOVE day is officially here, I can finally share the little valentines I made my family. They are nosey people so I couldn't post ahead of time or they would see! 

For DH I made a simple little box to hold his valentine in. I didn't get a chance to collage and decorate the inside tlike I wanted to, to make it like a shrine of love for my sweetie. I'm going to finish it up though, so he can keep 'my heart' in it. TheCraftyChica was challenging people to make shrines, so this will be mine.

The heart is made of layers of fabric, lace, netting, vintage papers, etc... I wanted a sort of messy organic look. Love is not neat. It's a messy business.

For my two girls I made similar hearts they can hang in their rooms.

The little one I thought might like a bit brighter heart. Made with fabrics, paper, lots of stitching.

The teen's heart is vintage. She loves vintage pink so I tried to stay with that as a theme. I even spritzed the whole piece with Glimmer Mist in Vintage Pink (the only color I happen to have.)

 The sparkly button was my great grandma's from an old coat. I only have a few so I use them sparingly.

My sewing machine is amazingly working again. I don't know what its problem was before but something tension related. Now it sews through paper and fabric like butter! I guess it pays to let it sit in the shelf for a few months! lol

What did you create to give away on this LOVE holiday?! I'd love to see!


  1. These hearts are beautiful!!!! Your family is so lucky!

  2. I love each and every one of these - so special. I'm sure they will treasure them. What a great mom/wife you are!

    p.s. We definitely need to have a stash swap!

  3. Hi Kris! These are GORGEOUS! I really love the colors and "ratty" look to them all. For me, the shabbier the better! I especially love the red and aqua heart! (FLUTTER!)

  4. Pretty, pretty, pretty! Lots of pink! Love the vintage button from your Grandmother!


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