
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Whole Lotta Winnin' Going On!

Yes, I'm behind. Yes, I know the giveaway for the kids' book was in April and the mystery book was in May. Give me a break. I'm behind, as I said!

Today's Winners:

I'll get these books out to you ASAP as soon as I get your addresses. (Off to contact you both via blogs/emails.)

I have a pile of books I was supposed to review here on the blog but as you can see, my spring ran away from me, taking all of my sanity with it! So here, in one post, you will get a massive review of the books I've read, mostly. Didn't finish a few but I got the gist. Just comment with the top two books that would be your favs and I'll choose winners someday soon (NO, it won't be FALL when I get around to it!!! *Stop snickering!!*)

* Note: ALL UPCOMING WINNERS will receive a piece of my art as well; be it an ATC, card, little sewn bits & bobble, etc... Whatever, so enter away!  It's a two-fer day (art and books to win!)*

(Can be purchased here.)
I did actually finish this book. I'm no longer one for historical romances although I do love the history but this book was great! I love the relationship the girls have with each other (I never had sisters and know that I missed out), and the view of this point in history. It has some predictable moments but I loved it all the same. Basically it's a family of sisters, the mother has disappeared when they were young. Flash forward to when they've grown up. One is being courted by someone. The others are enamored with boys. One liking most of the boys, the other contemplating being a mail order bride to someone in the way out west. Then a baseball team comes to town, one player gets hurt (their father is a Doctor) and the fur starts to fly for all of them and their comfortable lives. You'll enjoy this read I would think.

(Can be purchased here.)
This book I'm not finished with. It's based in the future, a Sci-Fi thriller type book. In a world where people can have their brain downloaded into silicon form thus eliminating physical death altogether. Sounds spooky huh, and something right out of Dr. Who (remember the giant head - Face of Bo? Or the Last Human alive who was basically skin? But anyway, I digress...) A missionary daughter leaves where she has lived all her life to come back to America, a country that no longer has Christianity. The back of the books says 'The spiritual future of all humanity hangs in the balance." Sounds exciting! This is not a lighthearted romp through the future. There will be advanced technology stuff in here that points to a not so distant future of our own, some we may not want to acknowledge.  It's an enjoyable but heavy book. Thought provoking would be a better term. Very enjoyable so far.

(Can be purchased here.)
Secretly I've been wanting to better my life for years now. (Did you happen to read yesterday's post?) This book promises 'Ten Ways You Can Live More Richly, Deeply, Fully.' Sign me up! I'm ready! Just what I was needing! I have not read this book yet except the forward but I'm intrigued. Read what the product description on Amazon is: 
What if you only had a few days to live?
Would you love?
Would you laugh?
Would you give?
Would you live differently than you do right now?
            --Billy Joe Daugherty

If possible, would you do a makeover on parts of your life? Most of us would gladly say “Yes!” to a fresh start, and that’s exactly what God offers. 

So many people live empty and frustrating lives, which is tragic because God desires a full, productive, and satisfying life for His children.  360° Life explores how ordinary people, regardless of their challenges, can experience life-altering change through simple faith.  Billy Joe Daugherty weaves material from the Bible, his own experiences, and riveting interviews with contemporary Christians to reveal how not just to survive struggles, but to rise above them. 

That’s the fulfilling result of a 360-degree life.  
I think about this sometimes. What would I do if I knew I only had a few days, weeks to live. What would I do differently? What would matter, what wouldn't? Once I think on those things though, why am I not living like that now? (Sounds like another LIST is in order!!! ha) This book is very intriguing to me and I anticipate it making changes in my life and anyone who reads it. 

(Can be purchase here.)
I'm in the process of reading this thriller. It has mystery, intrigue, psychological drama, secrets. My kind of a good time! lol I'm very fond of books that center around a small town. I like books that become series. I haven't finished this one yet so I don't know if it does but it has that potential when you get intimately familiar with small town characters. Plus it's written by a homeschool mom. Can't imagine how she had the time! The book centers around a now-sober Police chief with guilt that haunts him. Supposedly the crime in his city is about to escalate throwing everything asunder. There's a drug threat, animals that meet their demise and there's a girl. There's always a girl isn't there?! Girls are trouble, I can tell you from personally being one... ha I can't wait to finish this book!

To recap:
1 - I have lots of reading to catch up on, don't I?!
2 - To enter to win one of these books, comment with your top two choices from among them and you'll get one entry.
3 - To get 2 more entries, follow me through one of the follower things on the right (Networked Blogs is on Facebook, the other is through Google.)
4 - For one more entry, tell me what your reading list looks like for the summer. After I'm done with these books, I need new suggestions!

Check back next time for more art! I have a whole pile waiting to be shared...

P.S. Is anyone up for an online book club that would be through a Facebook Group? I was thinking of starting one. Needs a good name though (and willing participants!!)... any thoughts?


  1. Love the sounds of the 360 degree Life. I'm with you about a change! Sounds like "Indivisible" would be another good one. So glad you've givens us some good reads to try out!

    I've been reading a bunch of collage/fabric books for classes I will be teaching online this fall. I absolutely love Collage Unleashed by Traci Bautista...gets me wanting to use loads of color and I'm usually a "muted tones" kind of gal. "Canvas Remix" is another fave. I know they're not "new" books, but I've been a library nut lately!

  2. Indivisible and 360-Degree Life sound like books that I would absolutely love. I love mysteries, but I think 360-Degree Life would be my favorite book. Life means so much and so many people do not even think about the consequences. I was diagnosed with cancer several years ago, and I remember when I was first diagnosed one of the first things I wanted to do was get all of my projects done that I was making for family so they would have something special to remember me by. You pray and pray and think about all of the things you could do and could have done differently. Fortunately I am still here but it did change me. I am so grateful that I still have my life. I was burned so bad from the radiation that I will never heal and have been in extreme pain for the past 14 years, and I often think maybe the best thing for me and my family would have been to die, but then I look at the great nephews, the granddaughters, my children, my husband, and how much life has changed and what I would have missed, and knowing what I do today I would still go through what I did if I had it to do all over again. I know there is a greater power that helps us get through anything and believe me He has been there for me. I love and appreciate life so much more and I try to see the beauty that God has made in every little thing. Life is Good.

  3. "Bridegrooms" just for fun. The "360 Degree Life" would be more thought provoking. "Indivisible" sounds like fun, too. Entertainment and a challenge for summer are both necessary. Love the idea of a book club. Hope I win this one too, Kris!

    Best wishes.

  4. Okay, first I want to say, that well DUH, of course we'd live differently if we knew we only had a few days to live. Would you bother to clean the house? Would you do laundry? Would you spend time teaching the multiplication tables? C'mon, Billy Joe!

    There. Thank you. I feel better now.

    'kay, following you (stalking?); The Last Christian and The Bridegrooms,
    and I started the 44 Scotland Street series by Alexander McCall Smith, the author of the Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency.

  5. How lucky for me to find your blog!
    The giveaway is great, thanks, but I really like reading your reviews.
    I'd like to win "Bridegrooms" or "Indivisible". I am a follower now, and will come back to list some books by my bedside. One I just finished is "Robbing the Bees" about the history of beekeeping, honey, with a focus on a beekeeper in Florida specializing in Tupelo honey (hear the song now?). Good reading!

  6. I'm up for a facebook book club, now that we have the decent intraweb at home. Let me know.

    Started the Molly Murphy series by Rhys Bowen.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my posts.