I think I have an allergic reaction anytime I read about the Calls for Publication at Somerset Studio
. I get all excited, start to make stuff and then... ppfffttt. I don't send anything in. It's probably that little voice in the back of my head that likes to stomp its foot and tell me how utterly untalented I am. I try to ignore it but, we're all really just little children inside who want to be accepted, huh?! I ignored it this week and sent in a few things just for fun. And I plan to ignore the voice again next time. I'm thinking its not the publishing I should be worrying about, but the willingness to listen to a voice that tells me I can't do something.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain
I was reading the blog of an adventurous family today. They've been biking for 2 years. With 11 year old boys. From Alaska to Argentina. Apparently they homeschool along the way as well. That's a fair bit out of my comfort zone. Imagine pulling up all stakes to your life and hitting the open road. Living on quick food, snacks and hopefully meeting only kind helpful people along the way. Sure we've talked about that before. We thought of doing the same in an RV but we were never brave enough to do it. We're comfortable with our lives; grocery stores on the corner, fast internet at our fingertips, actual beds to sleep in. I can't help but envy this family just a bit though. They're doing an impossible thing. They made it a reality.
Lately I've been contemplating my life, probably too much, DH would say. I'm thinking about the 20 years I've wasted, not doing the things I've dreamed of doing. It hasn't been a waste. I have wonderful children, loving husband but the little things that I wanted for myself... I haven't reached for them. Too many excuses for why not. I've put them in a little mental box as unobtainable. We are our own worst enemies aren't we?
I watched the new Alice in Wonderland
last week (which, by the way, was not scary and too dark for my little one, as I had heard it would be. No darker than Chronicles of Narnia
!) I love the line where she says her dad believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. She used that bravery and knowledge to help her in the end of the movie. It seems silly to utter outloud but I'd like to be like Alice
. A character in a book.
I think today I will make a list of the things swirling around in my brain, the things I've labeled impossible. The stuff only dreamed about... What would be on your list?
(all artwork shown is snippets from pieces submitted for publication.)
Congratulations! I can relate to so many things you mentioned. The voice that seems to stop me from following through (publications, etc.) and reviewing life, and while proud of kids and family, still regretting not developing myself more as an artist. Stay true to yourself and believe!!!
Hmmm! All that sounds very familiar to me. I've always wished to do so many, many things but haven't. Perhaps I didn't want them bad enough ? I've been thinking about my age and about the fact that I still have my health. Maybe I should do less thinking and more doing!
great post .. share that list!
Go around your house - pick up all loose art, label it, mail it in. It will feel like arting and cleaning at the same time! AND you'll be happily surprised at the results. Do it now! :)
Thanks for the kick in the patootie, Kersten. I may just do that this week!
I'm glad I'm not the only one with that nagging little voice. Thankfully I've started to learn to ignore it, but now need to get rid of the other one that keeps dredging up past mistakes.
Hmmm, time to go and craft something i think.
Kris, I bow to your braveness! I too would love to submit, to anyone really but Somerset is so awesome! Congratulations!!
I love the idea of an Impossible list, love to see yours! I may make one just to see what is doable!
Mary-Beth, you're not looking for was is doable, but what is IMPOSSIBLE! :)
Obe thing you can say you have done- is to bear your soul in this post. I LOVED reading it and now am in deep thought. What holds me back? What will I regret not doing in 20 years? What would I chose to do if I were as brave as the bicyclng family?
Thank you Melony. I'm not real good at not speaking my mind. My family can attest to that. lol I think its better to talk about it than not. Regretting is not a fun thing. I don't want to do it again.
This is an amazing post, one I need to take to heart. I couldn't have said it better. TFS!
stop by my blog and check out my giveaway :)
You can still do stuff, you just can't do everything at the same time, kwim? Let us know when you get these lovelies published; I wanna see the whole pics!!
Hey, if I can get one of my CARDS (puh-lease, you know what my cards are like!) published, there's no stopping you with all your gorgeous pieces!!!
Good for you! Submit & submit some more. Just the anticipation of maybe be published is a thrill to me (though I have only, so far!, submitted a few time). Now you've encouraged me to take another look at what's upcoming in SS to see what I might submit.
Happy days,
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