
Saturday, July 03, 2010

Bloomin' & Producin'

It's a busy weekend of outdoor weather, gardening, dinner with friends. Tomorrow is the holiday and we'll be visiting with family as well. Today is all about the yard though. 

My front garden has only 3 bushes and lots of little plants that the teen has planted. Some have been dying, we're not sure why, but some are thriving. It will take us a year or so to keep filling in the spaces that remain. We've been picking out perennials of lavender, mint, herbs to plant around the two hydrangeas and one azalea (I think that's what the other one is??) that they gave me last year for Mother's Day. I can't wait until its all full and stuffed with gorgeous plants. I'm going to go back and replace the old wood frame with embedded brick trim, to match the trim holding in the bushes on the opposite side of the porch. Picture the bed full of red wood chips as it was last year. They just disappeared this year. Weird. It's a work in progress...

This year we started a raised bed garden. We have two of them. Dh and the teen put the second one together this week and I couldn't find anymore vegetable plants at the stores so I'm going to buy zucchini seed since they grow quickly in about 45 days. The first bed has 2 kinds of beans (climbing and bush), 4 kinds of tomatoes (some for salad, salsa and spaghetti sauces), mixed peppers, hot peppers, 2 kinds of cucumbers (baby and regular) and watermelon. Nothing like stuffing it all full, huh! It's overcrowded at the moment. I may move the baby cucumbers  and bean bush over to the new bed since they're getting crowded in the old bed. 

See our little makeshift trellis DH and I built? It's nothing fancy but it will hold the beans as they grow. I can't wait for the fruits of my labor to be ready for harvest! 

Right now I can see 3 hot peppers, 2 adorable little peppers, some cherry tomatoes still green and some eency weency teeny tiny beans. So fun when something you worked on finally pays off. Now lets see if we can keep the birds from eating everything... The squirrels keep stopping by to see if they can find a snack. Urgh!

Happy Saturday to you!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had raised beds but my garden was already established when I moved into my house 23 years ago. Mix some hot sauce, a little dishwashing liquid, into your watering can; add water and sprinkle your plants-keeps the critters away! Or save your dog's hair next time at the groomers and place in cheese cloth bags around your garden.


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