
Sunday, July 04, 2010

Fourth of Julyin'

I was reading back through previous posts, mostly about the holidays and I liked some of my July 4th posts so  much I copied and pasted bits of them here to share with you. You can read the full shabangs here: 2009, (didn't blog July 4th in 2008 or 2007), 2006.

Do you have favorite plans or traditions for July 4th? We always find ourselves invited to one friend or another's parties. This year we're heading to my brother's house for a quiet fourth. Just BBQing, maybe some games, lots of laughing, hollering at the kids to keep their wet bodies outside and a few fireworks.

We're not big fireworks-blowing-up-people. I mean we enjoy them, but we don't go all out and buy $200 worth like my brothers tend to do. I do enjoy the little things though. The black snakes, the little flowery things that spin after you light them, in all sorts of colors, the white bags of gunpowder stuff you throw on the ground to pop... But my favorites have always been the sparklers. I buy a lot of them and we play with them throughout the year. There is something special about the very first one you use. It's almost a superstition with me, I have to write my name in the air first before I can make shapes and whirly swirlies of any kind. 

I'm looking forward to all today's food. One of my favorites is corn on the cob. I don't know what it is about your first piece of corn on the cob, on the 4th of July, but it's pure heaven. I don't muck up the flavor of my sweet corn with butter, salt or sugar. BLECK. I like it natural, sometimes grilled in the husk on the grill. There is nothing better.
May your holiday be wonderful, surrounded by family, food and wonderful fireworks. I'm hoping to see a display of fireworks from where we'll be at tonight.  I hope they do one of those wonderful chrysanthemum flower fireworks in the sky that is all different colors. That one always makes me smile.

What is your favorite thing about July 4th?  

1 comment:

  1. I love fireworks-except those annoying strobe light thingies! Can't set them off (legally) where I live so going to a friend's house to set off my $$$'s worth of fun!

    I like leftover corn on the cob-straight from the fridge with just a little salt and pepper!


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