
Monday, October 25, 2010

Art Lessons

Once upon a time there was a mom. Okay, an artistic mom, who had trouble teaching art to her child. I know, CRAZY!! you say. Yes, definitely. The mom would take the artsy child to the art room but then not know what to teach.

'Okay, um, how about we play with some paper? Or stamps?'
'Mom, we did that last time... and the time before that!'
'Ummm, what about making a book, I can show you how to sew a journal.'
'Nah, doesn't sound fun.'
'How about drawing a picture?'
'Umm, I don't know what to draw.'
'Okayy, wanna sew something?'
'What should I sew?'
'I don't know.'

See? I'm not good at teaching. I have this weird picture in my head of her just walking into my art room, grabbing this and that and magically creating something she likes. This doesn't happen often. It helps if I plan something out first and as we get going it morphs into something else, that's okay.

I have grandiose plans of teaching her about other artists, and their styles of art. This involves planning too. Because to be perfectly frank, I am embarrassed to say I don't know much about any artists. I'd love to learn about them too.  What makes this even worse is that we homeschool

Well, not that part but we do good amounts of school Monday -Thursday so we can have Fridays off for Art, Math/English games or field trips. I'd like to see us get to the end of our school year and she be well informed about all types of arts and artists.

This past Friday we did manage to create. I pulled out a bag of wooden house shapes I picked up at a garage sale and we both created one. She preferred to paint more of hers (SEEN UP ABOVE), with some collage of a roof on top. She made it as a birthday gift for her sister so she wanted to add a picture of herself in the door. I thought it was cute!

Mine includes plastic fencing, a fabric heart, pompoms and furniture tacks. I used all handmade, handpainted and textured papers. We had a pretty good time, despite my non-planning but it was touch and go in the beginning. We almost quit due to lack of plan...

At the end of our creating session we painted off the rest of the paints puddles we had out, on papers for future use (I have a thing about wasting paint! lol)

Cross your fingers I come up with ideas by next Friday. Any suggestions? 


  1. That is just too cute and it looks oh so fun! :D

  2. Lovely houses! I agree-looks like fun! How about studying Georgia O'Keefe, you know big flowers! Easy to paint.

  3. I'm obsessed with keeping books that Kate draws art lessons over here, I just give her supplies and she does whatever she wants. When the books are full, I save them and give her a new book. :)

    How about a photo field trip? You can make a scavenger hunt of things to shoot and have her shoot the items on the list. Next lesson you can print out the photos.

  4. Those are fun little hosues. That's about the same conversation I have with my daughter. If you like haveing a plan I found that picking a technique showing an example and then letting her go for it works for us. She likes it too because then the technique has her spin on it.

  5. debbiek9:05 AM

    Love these! Wish I got lucky and found a bunch of these at a garage sale. Soooooo fun and your daughter putting her picture in there is adorable. What a sweet gift for her sister:)


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