
Sunday, October 31, 2010

November Projects

Just a real quick post. It's Halloween evening and I'm all tuckered out. I succumbed to 3, no, 4 counting the lollipop with the gum inside, candies tonight. I tried, I really tried to be good. How many did you eat?! lol

Our fall is now surrounding us. The chilly air is settling in and I'm always wanting a roaring fire in the fireplace. I'm going into hermit mode. However, I have two projects in November that will keep me busy and surprisingly out of the house. So much for staying inside my comfort zone.

The first is this: National Novel Writing Month. Yes the written insanity has taken hold of me, mostly for the actual accomplishment of completing 50,000 words in one month. They have said we can not write one word over and over so my original plan has been snafu'd. So now I've had to think up an actual plot with characters, settings and the like. Let me tell you, I've gone through three plot scenarios already. And now with the first day of writing looming over my head in a little over an hour, I think my brain is moving onto an as yet unformed NEW plot. Ahhh, gotta love the mind and its creative twists and turns. No easy road for me, I guess. We have a local NaNoWriMo chapter that will be gathering for weekly Write-Ins, so I guess I'll be leaving the house for those. Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

I saw a twitter this evening from 26Things about their new November challenge. I'm thinking I will participate in this as well. My camera, my lovely new Christmas present camera, has been sorely neglected the last couple of months and it's time I pulled it out and started snapping. I'm thinking I might invite the kids to join me in this challenge as well! 

So that's a quick update on what's going on around here. As to art, I have several canvases half finished, one is only waiting for that certain special piece I can't seem to fathom at this moment, and then it will be done. The art room is in disarray again but what is new? I'm not working on any altered books at the moment but do have a project for Altered Pages in the works as well as a couple for Red Lead ruminating in my brain. It's going to be a busy (hopefully successful) November, I can tell.

What's up with you in your world?


  1. I shudder at the thought of writing 300 words much less 50,000.

    November is also NaBloPoMo. National Blog Posting Month-you try to post on your blog every day (My goal is 4 times a week). This was actually started as a goofy alternative to compete with NaNoWriMO.

  2. Wow - I didn't know that November was national anything month - though that doesn't surprise me, being a hermit myself:)
    I am so happy that you are taking on the challenge - I wrote a number of short stories several years back and then turned to art... hmmm, maybe there's a message here??
    Best wishes and I'd love to 'see' the outcome!


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