
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Had To Share!

Okay, probably didn't need to share, but I was slightly excited so I thought I must. 

A couple of my cards were published in the upcoming Winter issue of Somerset Studio Gallery. This is my first time being in a Somerset/Stampington publication. I guess it pays to actually submit stuff. It's the first time I've sent in items for consideration. 

Remember this post and these items? 

 A few items from that pile made it in.

Mine are on the left.

All images and green vine trim are by My favorite part was the angel stamp. I usually put down a scrap paper to do all my painting on and then when I'm done I have this paper full of many colors.  This one was too pretty to just toss so I stamped on it. Isn't it pretty? I just need to remember when I'm painting, not to do my gluing on the same paper, otherwise I can't use it as background. It gets all gummy.The bottom right blue/green part on the 'Sing' card is also scraps painted with leftover paint. 

The eggs on the top one were cut out of purpley marbley vellum I was just going to toss or give away (not a fan of the purple, people.)

Anyway, just had to share.

* STAY TUNED: Day 2 of Ornaments is coming up. Don't forget to show off your ornaments to enter to win a pile-o-goodies.


  1. Oh, how exciting! I'm supposed to be in it, too, but I haven't received my issue yet. I love Stampington!!!

  2. Suh-weet!! Why didn't you tell me? You'd better have just found out!

    Yes, it really does increase your chances of being published if you actually submit pieces--I forget that part, too . . .

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    AWESOME work, Kris


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