
Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Inspiration is a funny thing. One minute (or month) I can be going along my merry way and not caring whether I do art again in my life or not. Then something will inspire me. A look at a magazine, a riot of colors on a sign, the texture of a some fabric. Then you're brain is hopping all over wanting to create. Ideas flying at you left and right.

Then, if you're me, you walk into the studio and walk right back out. Mine is trashed. I don't want to clean before I work on these ideas flying at my head. So what's a girl to do? Make up a 'To-Go' kit. hehe  As in 'go to the bedroom to create'. 

I was reading a Facebook post yesterday by Gina Lee Kim and how she had won a drawing on a site. I went off to look. It was a sketching challenge site. How fun! Hadn't heard of it before.

It happened to be just after midnight and they had posted their new month's challenge. Opposites. For some reason an idea came to me. Probably had something to do with it being the dead of winter and a blizzard was impending (it's hitting us now as I type.)

It's still a work in progress. Many more layers to add. Just thought to share. I wondered if others have like little emergency kits they use, maybe to do art outside their studios, or to take in the car, on vacation, etc...?   What do you put in yours?

Mine holds: 
metallic colored pencils
sketching pencils
Staedtler pens
Gel pens
India Ink (in hot pink and turquoise)
Caran d'Ache crayons
book pages & scrapbooking paper scraps
Bottle of glue & foam brush
Charcoal chalk
various magazines (Cloth, Paper Scissors, Artful Journaling, Somerset Studio, ARTNews)

What is inspiring YOU on this cold (at least here) winter day?!


  1. Hi Kris,
    I've missed coming over here. I love your artwork today, as usual. I don't have a "to go" box prepared, but I did just re-do my studio so I want to spend time in it. When I do go on vacation, I usually take an art journal, nothing fancy, some water color pencils and a water brush, small scissors, glue stick, various paper scraps, and a few other things.


  2. i'm with you on the trashed studio ... i need to work on mine ... i just slide stuff over to make room ... exacerbating the mess as i go ....

  3. How fun! Wouldnt that be fun to give as a gift to an artist.. or perhaps an art kit you could fit in a purse? I love it!

  4. Yep, what you and e.beck said--it's layers and a mess and slide it on over for the next pile . . .

    I always have paper and something to draw with in my bag, but the go box is ever changing, and doesn't always make the trip!

  5. Well, no to go box 'cause I have a most difficult time limiting myself to just a couple things. I would be making too many trips up and down the stairs. I can't work at a messy table either but sometimes I spend waaaay too much time cleaning and not enough time creating.


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