
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Shoving a Pot Up My Nose Apparently...

So I'm trying to figure out in what situation I would want a pot shoved up my nose. Apparently everyone is doing it. Because when I talk to people about sinuses, allergies and colds they recommend this Neti Pot thing.

Mom has one and swears by it. Seeing as I've never used one, I haven't seen the urgency to flow hot/warmish water through my nasel cavities and have it pouring out the other side. Weren't we always taught not to put things up our nose like beans, and pennies and small cracker jack toys? But now pots are okay I guess. What is this world coming to?

In related news, I 'liked' Neti Pot's facebook page. They were giving away free pots. They were so hot for me to try it, it came within a few days. On Monday.

Now I'm just waiting for some awful ailment to attack me so I can gleefully pull out my prized Neti Pot and poor molten lava (aka warm water and sinus crystal thingies) through my nose. And try not to swallow it. Or backwash it. Or sneeze.

Do you have one? Do you use it? Am I whining for no reason?

Fun times being had here at the Contessa home...

P.S. I forgot! There's a blizzard out. Yesterday and today bore the brunt of Mother Nature and about a foot or so of snow was dumped on us. I personally love the snow, hubby thinks otherwise. We agree to disagree. Here's a cheesy video I shot of the blizzard. My first video uploaded to my YouTube account.  I told you fun times were happenin' around here!


  1. OMG I have had such a good laugh along with you and your nose pot! Hadn't heard about these, wouldn't have believed it. I'm sorry but that "slang word for mucous which rhymes with pot" would soon become the known name for this contraption! I happy to have crossed paths this morning!

  2. Oh, dear . . .

    I know there are people that think these things are awesome, but they make me say


  3. Al allergist recommends this and so do I. Do not do it when only when you are stuffed up, you should do it every day if you have allergies. :)

    My tip- water needs to be close to your body temp...pour water on your wrist to check it like you would check a baby's bottle...water too hot or too cold is very uncomfortable.

  4. If you're prone to having a stuffy nose in winter, you would need to use it every day. You actually can't use it well when your nose is stopped up. I use mine pretty much every day in winter but it does take a little getting used to.

  5. Sorry but No to the "snot pot". (Credit to Sandi for the new name LOL!) Give me some Flonase please!

    The video is hysterical! Way tooooo funny!

  6. I was attempting to capture the massive amounts of snow coming down, but it didn't really get the effect. But I love the exchange with daughter. She's a hoot!


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