
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Christmas Time Was Here...

So... I found this half finished post in my blogger. I guess I was planning on sharing it or did and it didn't go through? I have no idea. So, read on, and pretend it's somewhere between  December 27 & 31, 2010 all over again? 

"The end of 2010 is upon us. I'm sure most people are getting ready for New Years parties or unplanned evenings at home (like us). Our last couple weeks have been eventful. Let me share what is on my brain tonight.

Note: We ended up watching the old TRON on New Year's Eve. Yes. We're huge partiers aren't we!

The teen was in a car accident last Sunday. Don't panic. She is just fine. Not so much our car. We're still waiting on details but considering the age of the car, 2003, it will most likely be totaled. The teen was taken to the hospital and all kinds of tests were run but God was watching out for her and she only suffered a few bruises and a sore neck and shoulder. God is good. Considering she slammed into a barrier, careened across all lanes (hitting no one!) and flew off the highway onto the side road and landed upright and didn't flip, we care not one wit about the car. Very thankful for her life.

Note: Yes, car was totaled. But thankfully the payout was bigger than we expected so we're looking for a  reliable car. Meanwhile, we only have one so I have officially become a hermit.

Then, to add insult to injury, we all caught the yucky flu, at the same time. All four of us. I'm not talking the sniffle flu/cold thingie. I'm talking, you all better hurry up and get out of my path to the bathroom or I'm gonna throw up on you flu. Yeah, not fun. I was so thankful for all my pre-Thanksgiving Christmas shopping so I did not have to go out and do any of that leading up to Christmas. Just had to share one of my favorite gifts this year! A NookColor!

I'm looking forward to downloading books and finding other Nook users so we can lend books to each other. Not sure how to do it yet, but if you have a Nook, holler at me so we can be best lending buds! lol

Note: I've finally learned how to lend and borrow books. Still looking for Nooky friends. *smile*

What was your favorite gift this year?"

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kris!!!!! I cannot imagine what you went through when your daughter, um, went freestyle? My son is 15-1/2 and I'm already terrified. I'm so glad that she's OK and I hope by now you are too:)
    I'm with you on those did I post, should I... ha.
    Take good care and good to 'see' you.

    p.s. I specialize in time travel:)


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