
Monday, February 07, 2011

Who Needs the Superbowl When You Have Art?

So. Who won the Superbowl last night? I don't even care (sorry to all those who do.) Me, Myself and I spent some quality time in the studio making a mess. Yes, it's already a mess. I just pushed those piles down the table (and to be honest, piled some of it on the floor.) All so I could work on a few Valentine ideas. 

I've discovered an awful truth about myself (hubby disputes this). I'm good at getting a project going in the beginning. I can get a vague idea for something, and layer and layer backgrounds like you wouldn't believe. And then? Nope. Nothing. I just stare at the fabulous backgrounds not knowing what to put on top. Maybe I'm just a background artist? I don't know. 

I stare and stare. Dragging items out, making piles, messes, always feeling like what I'm making is something a 5 year old would make. Sometimes it works out, a lot of times it doesn't. I get discouraged that I can't think of some fantabulous idea and follow it through to the end. I only get small inspirations about maybe color, or using a certain supply. Never finished products. Don't know how to change this...

Have you thought about making an inspiration board/wall? I've seen pictures of other people's boards. I never have fully gotten the jist/purpose of it. They put the things up there for the colors? The shapes? Things they want to aspire to? Supplies they want to use? It's hard to just pick a few things that would inspire me and would fill a board and that I wouldn't get bored of after a bit.

But last night I was visiting my neglected Flickr account and realized I have an inspiration board. It's called my 'Favorites'. If you don't have a favorites on Flickr, you should get one. Basically if you see a pic on Flickr that you like, you click the little star that favorites stuff. Then you can go look at all the things you've saved. I sat here and did a slideshow of my Favorites and it was fascinating the things I like. 

It's like a snapshot inside my brain. Messy, disorganized, layerings of papers, paints, lace, fabrics, ribbons, vintage pics, riots of color (and some scrumptious food pics thrown in to torture me were included.) It was me! It was amazing. I'm thinking of printing some just to stick on a board or wall for inspiration.

What is inspiring you lately?

(more pics of valentines coming up soon, I hope...)

P.S. Forgot to mention. I could not find my good fabric cutting scissors last night (only the glue covered ones.) But instead of giving up on arting, I pulled out the wood burning tool. Notice the hearts on most of the valentines? Yup. Mother of invention...


  1. Hi Kris!
    I heartily concur with your lack of enthusiasm for the superbowl...who cares?

    One thing I DO admire about you as an artist is that you make such wonderfully designed and textured backgrounds...I don't do that part very well...I guess I just want to see the finished product and feel that spending so much time/effort on the background may slow me down! lol Regardless, it is definitely a "gifting" of yours and so you should "go" with it...why not frame a few of your fave background pieces...truly they are sufficient art within themselves!

    YOU inspire ME!

  2. OH awesome! I love the absolute messiness of it all! Let loose and the heart will fly!

  3. These are really beautiful. I agree about the flickr favourites, I have to remind myself to use that function more often. Love your work.

  4. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hi Kris - I'm an anti-Super Bowl girl myself, so I also made VDay cards that are slowly but surely taking flight into this week's outgoing mail. Yay! Your card are fabulous - each and every one of them.


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