
Monday, April 18, 2011

My Cruising Journal

(For the next couple of days I'll be posting about the trip we're on, so family at home can see what we're up to. You're welcome to share in the experience too!!)

Well, I did it. I got on a scary plane, flew almost 3 hours to Florida. It was a wonderful experience. I know this is contradictory to everything I've ever said about flying. Trust me. I know. I always joke that I can't hold my breath that long so its very hard for me to fly. This time, I prayed. And prayed hard. I reasoned with God. 'God, I need you help. Not the normal ''wrap your arms around me, keep me safe” type help. But the big help, the “not being scared at all” type help. Seriously, please help.' This was my prayer on the plane, while waiting to taxi (yes, I actually said 'seriously' to God.) Well, wouldn't you know, he came through for me? When we had air pockets, and boy we had some doozies, an image of me being on a roller coaster and all the air pockets just being bumps and jumps were me sitting in a roller coaster car, came to mind. Can you believe I smiled every time there was an air pocket?! Lol I told my seatmates I felt like throwing up my arms and yelling WEEEEE! Every time there we bumped around. What a blessing this was. Now I keep thinking of all the places I could go now, that I wouldn't before because of this fear. Amazing. We'll see how the flight back is. I'm optimistic.

I'm on vacation with my mom and a fellow homeschool mom. After we flew in on Friday, we spent 2 days living it up (aka: lounging around in some sun and shade, reading) on Cocoa Beach, Fl. The wind really made the visit to the beach so enjoyable. No horrible hot burning sun feeling. We saw several cruise ships leave from where we were sitting, dive bombing pelicans, surfers and children; oh wait, that was mom, building a sandcastle! We ate the first night on a dock, watching the sun streak orange and pink across the sky as it set. Stunningly beautiful. These tall stately palm trees guarded our special little dock and reminded us we weren't in Kansas anymore (or Missouri.)

The second night we ate on Cocoa Beach pier with full window seats to watch the waves march across the sands. The fish were jumping out of the water, I imagine it was their dinner time too and were looking for nice tasty bugs but wishing for worms.

Sunday morning dawned bright and although the cruise ship we were taking did not sail until 430 pm, we were eager to jump on board and get settled. Our driver to the ship was funny, the people who took our tips so they would take our luggage made us feel like we were already on vacation. The ship is so amazing!

I'll keep this post short and I'll be back later with an update.


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    well! I wanna go on a cruise with you guys! That looks fun and have never been on a ship. Florida looks awesome. As for the flying, I will soon have to take that dreaded form of transport and I know just how you feel. Looking forward to seeing more pictures

  2. glad you are having a great time..just to let you know your lovely house card arrived safely


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