
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Channel Your Inner QUEEN!

Yes it's time for the winners of the House-A-Fire Creations giveaway! Did you channel your inner QUEEN like my title says? Are you singing with me? I asked my children for a different title than 'Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.' Within seconds they broke out into QUEEN. lol

Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to come comment on my blog and artwork. I had such fun making the houses, I'm thinking I want to make more soon!  When I asked my teen for a number between 1 and 17, both the teen and the little one blurted out numbers. Being the obsessively fair person I am, I can't NOT take one of the numbers. I think subconsciously someone would KNOW their number was blurted out and that I picked one over the other! Yes, I know, weird. 

SO... I'm giving away two! 

The 'Champions' are:

Let's cheer for the winners and go visit their blogs to say hi.  Okay, now everyone go sing a bit of QUEEN!

Have a wonderful art-filled weekend. (Winners, look for your houses next weekend sometime. I'm sending on Monday.) I'm off to this year's homeschool conference to learn something.


  1. Great.

    Now I'm going to be singing that song all the livelong day.

    Thanks a LOT, 'tessa . . .


  2. yeah!!! thanks very much..funny I have been listening to that song all day yesterday as its on my sons nintendo and he had it playing yesterday in his car that he made out of his old bed in the garden!! it was playing continuously yesterday so good job I love the song!

  3. Woo hoo! I'm honored and thrilled =)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my posts.