
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Raven & Midnight Dreary

I was looking through old photos and found a few pictures of projects I never posted. If you'll remember, I've posted before about being part of an Altered Raven Journal swap. So far I've created pages in 6 books and have 2 more to go.  

Here's the first book I worked on (I was just getting my Raven legs under me... )The top pic was made with stencils and spray paint at a time when I was making the teen's graduation cards. It was the folded flap on the front of the 2 page spread below. The 2 page spread below was stamping, Altered Pages images and a bit of moon drawing.


This one was messy painting, overstamping, multi-stamping and an image.

This was the sign in tag. I folded it, stamped, added a raven and my 'Kris was here' note.

I don't really like looking back on older works. I always look at it for flaws. I'd rather make it, and move on. I'm always in love with my very last piece/creations the best. Does anyone else feel that way?

What are you working on this week?


  1. I do feel the same way! I love your pink and black color schemes on these :)

  2. Great pages! Love the stencils!

  3. love these raven pieces. I am the same I only like to make one of something then move on to the next project..I remember the nightmare years ago when I first started and agreed to make all the cards for the local church..never again even though they loved them I got bored of doing the same designs!!!

  4. I feel like I'm in an Edgar Allen Poe poem. Like the spray painting! :)


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