
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Day 7 - Creating Family Time & Rats

I'm typing this quick post at 11:03 pm on a Tuesday night. Yes, I know. Late of course, for my post of the day. And to make matters worse, guess who didn't finish an art project yesterday or today? ME! That's who! But to clarify the point of this monthly creativity project; creating everyday is the goal, but is not do-or-die. Yesterday (and today) I was creating family time.

The kids and I spent 12.2 million hours at the pool yesterday, hangin' with the G-ma, getting some sun, and in the case of me; adding to my cache of freckles. My legs and arms are sore (think of all the exercise I accomplished though!) and I went to sleep before 11 pm. It was amazing!

Today we were back at the pool, and I think our faces were the losers this time. They're so red! Gotta be careful and extra vigilant with the sunscreen tomorrow.

I did work on a bit of art. These are pictures of supplies for a project. This is just a teaser until it's complete. It's going to be an apron. Can't wait to finish it!

** Oh, just had to share. My adorable moppy pup pups went to the groomers today.

I decided to get them sort of long puppy cuts so they would be cooler for summer. The groomer was a bit overzealous and gave me rats to take home. 



Shaved rats. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. Kind of reminiscent of the last time I had to get Clemie extreme groomed. Remember this post? Oh boy. So, we can't go out in public with the pup pups now. What would the neighbors say? lol

Last thing. Tomorrow we have to turn in any art we want to share in an art show at church. It's so hard to pick things that you think people might want to see. The teen picked out a few things from her college art classes, I picked some canvases and the little one will be sharing some of her cartoons. Have I mentioned her veggie cartoons? They're so funny, I'll have to share some soon. Maybe tomorrow.

Ta-ta for now!

(if you're just joining my blog posts now, the Day 1.2.3, etc... posts all pertain to my goal for daily Creative Vibrations, initially blogged about here. Join me in creating daily!)

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