My loveable puppy has mats in her fur. I've done my best to brush and brush her but her adult fur is growing in and her puppy fur is matting into it (She's a ShihTzu, so long hair is inevitable.) I've had her groomed 2 times. 1st time she came home with fleas and they missed a mat and a tick. 2nd time was 3 weeks ago and when I went to pick her up, the mats were mostly still there and I had to hold the pup myself so she wouldn't bite, while the lady shaved mats out left and right. I left with a lopsided dog and covered in fur. Pup is scared when you try to shave her. Noises like that scare her. She STILL had more mats in her fur too and they never trimmed her nails. (I am filing a formal complaint at PETCO.)

We went off on vacation. When we came back, her mats the groomer had left were huge behind her ears and all over her body. So I called a professional groomer this time. The lady let me know I had done wrong by taking Clemie to a non-professional, scolded me like an Italian grandma might and told me she would whip my dog into shape (ie: teach her not to bite while being trimmed). But first we had to rid her of her mats. This is what I was greeted with when I went to pick her up. I swear they gave me the wrong dog, except she comes when you call her name. lol

The lady did a great job and already started getting the pup to obey her. I just hate that the last people screwed up so bad we had to get to this point where my pup looks like a Muppet. Animal from the Muppets maybe? Muppet shrimp from Muppets Wizard of Oz? What about a little like Harry Connick Jr?

awwww...he's cute with all his hair gone. Try some Biolage detangler (spray bottle). My hair dresser uses it on her Lapso Alpsa..and it works great! Also if you bath her, and use some Biolage conditioner on her, it helps!
Oh that face is adorable no matter what the fur looks like! I bet, though, now that it's all gone, she's cooler, and it will come back in so much neater and no more lopsided dog! Thanks for letting me know about the numbers. I'm going to Hobby Lobby today so I'll check them out!
Sorry, still Ewok.
A perky Ewok.
I love your little puppy. I have a malteseXshitsu so of course I am a little biased.
Dont worry I have been through the same problems with "hairdressers" for my dog, Oakey, and he has come home looking quite embarrassed a few times...he knows he looks funny and buries his little head so he thinks you can see him. He is very handsome at the moment though (I put a photo of Oakey and our new kitten on my blog yesterday).
Enjoy your gorgeous puppy, she is beautiful.
Oh, poor Clemie. I don't blame you for filing a complaint! She looks a bit E.T. -ish right now, still fabulously cute in her own right. :) Bruce picked up a bottle of Tail and Mane for horses for Uffda (our Newfie) and talk about a soft haired, tangle free dog! At least Clemie's haircut comes during summer months.
She'll probably enjoy the new hair-do in the summer months :) We have a shih-tzu too.. I keep him in a puppy cut (which I cut myself) year round. Also, I read once in a shih-tzu book that dog owners should try and brush their dogs 10 minutes every day.
Man that thing is ugly
I keed dear
She is handsome...in a Ringo Starr kinda way
Aw, that is pretty cute actually! LOL It took us 4 groomers before we found one that was awesome. It's really tough. I have to take my furry beast in every 4-6 weeks.
can't. stop. laughing.
that dog is incredibly cute.
A bald dog is a dog only mothers can love. (The photo where she's on her belly is adorable, though. I wanted to reach into the computer screen and steal her away! :D )
I'm glad you found someone to clean her up. The hair is very Animal-ish -- all you're missing is some drums and rock music!
I love the Muppets. How did I not know about the Oz movie? This must be dealt with immediately!
psst...I'm passing on to you a brilliante weblog award! :) See my blog for the scoop.
Way off the main topic but that's the way my mind works... that floor is the exact same on we had in our kitchen in the house I grew up in. Thanks for the memories!
Oh là là, le pauvre chien!!!!
Kris, the Gypy's down so I came here to thank you & your DD for the wonderful package I received today! It made my day - I've been stamping like crazy! Love everything in it, and I'm having a great time :) I have a question on the portraits, will wait for the Gypsy to PM though as it's not urgent :)
Have a happy day!
look, don't slap me or anything, I'm just trying to be a friendly imaginary friend. it won't offend me if you don't play along, but go look.
go on.
oh my gosh, i am in love with your dog ... both versions!!!!
i have a maltese, prone to mats.... when she was a baby, picking her up from the groomer was like the worst days of my kids in preschool .... you feel horrible that YOUR child/dog could be so naughty and difficult ..... and horrified that this person in charge is tattling on them .....
but dogs, like toddlers, get easier ... thank goodness!
omg, I love the new do! I also sent you one of those blog awards. Looks like you are the popular one!
I can just imagine how your new groomer took charge with your cutie pie and how she gave you an earful about using the store. Mine would have done the same thing to me too.
It's never too late to get on the right track. And it sounds like Clemie is headed in the right direction! :)
What a cutie! I love to blog about my dog too! Dogs rule!
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