
Friday, September 05, 2014

Decorating With Personal Art

A quick little Friday post. I like to do art. I like to sell art. But don't ask me to know how to hang it, decorate with it or know anything about putting it in the perfect place.

My oldest scolded me a few years ago, "Mom! We have no art on the walls and you have piles of finished pieces sitting in the art room. Hang them up!" Okay fine! Over the years I have added things, sold things, taken some down. No rhyme or reason really.

This is above our fireplace. 3 larger canvases, yes I know the girl is not 'content' like it says. I need to repaint her. It was my first face ever. I have a little obsession with owl collecting, do you think?! Ha

I have these 2 unfinished pieces hanging in my bedroom, 1- to have a place to put them and 2 - so I can see them when I wake up each morning and maybe an idea will hit me about how to finish them.

Here is a recent wall grouping I did. It has some finished and unfinished pieces. The big poppies I think need a word or saying, and I'm still working on the portrait of my youngest on the top right. She also contributed with the middle flower painting as well as the owl. Both done by her about 5 years ago when she was 10. A few of the small pieces were gifts from artsy friends.

The plate was a gift from mom and it says, "My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy!" I definitely agree!

Do you hang your creations? Have a wonderful artsy weekend!


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