
Monday, September 08, 2014

Doctor Who Art!!

We're a family obsessed with Doctor Who. I'm not even as bad as my youngest. She's watched all the old stuff. Me, I started my Doctor Who experience with Christopher Eccleston, who else?! I wish he had stayed more than one year. Anyway...

Last year while my youngest was at camp, hubby and I painted her bedroom door as the Tardis! Isn't it sweet?! Needless to say, we won parents of the year. Hubby also sent her postcards to camp of Doctor Who characters. Yes, we rock.

Recently I swapped some Doctor Who art with an online friend. I attempted to weave a Tardis. Not my best endeavor and maybe it would have een better if I used a designated loom instead of making a wobbly one out of sticks. No matter, she seemed to like it.

I also sketched and painted three ATCS (Artist trading cards) of characters too. Okay, being honest here, hubby sketched the cyberman and I painted him but the rest were all me.

Are you my mummy?!! Hehe


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