
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Birthday Celebration #2

Oh my goodness. The day has just gotten away from me. Look! It's almost Wednesday. You'll have to forgive the lateness of this post. We took dd to the hospital for tonsil surgery this morning, came home late afternoon. It's been a busy evening of dinner, taking care of kids and collapsing in the bedroom. I think I even took a 20 minute nap after eating my food! lol Stress can really wear you out! But teen dd came through the surgery swimmingly and is hopped up on drugs watching movies as I type. lol

I know this is supposed to be a lovely birthday post but I have no more gas in my energy tank and haven't had a chance to write up a fabulous post. Please forgive.

I do have a giftie or two to give away still!

#1 - Seeing as today has been all about my dd, I'm giving away a free 1 year subscription to
Domino Magazine. It's her favorite magazine to read. This would only be for a USA winner.

#2 - If the winner is outside the US, they win 3 collage sheets from my Etsy Supplies Shop which are totally downloadable to use in art, to make cards and more. (I will then pick another winner for the Domino subscription.)

I hope this will suffice as a nice giveaway until tomorrow. Tell me your favorite magazine to read and why. I'm always looking for new reading material!

(NOTE: There are 10 posts with giveaways for my birthday celebration. Don't forget to sign up for EACH post's prizes.)


  1. This is a wonderful giveaway! :)

  2. Birthdays are hard to focus on when you are doing something like surgery...tonsils are so "icky" and when they need to come out, they come out!! Hope your daughter is feeling better soon -- lots of ice cream and tlc from mom should do the trick!!

    I love magazines...aside from all the art publications, I like to read "Wish" (which may be Canadian) and "Real Simple" is good for fun ideas.

    I'm in Canada and would love some of your collage sheets if you choose my name! Thanks for doing a fun giveaway. Good luck to everyone!

  3. I'm a bit of a magazine-a-holic, but haven't found a home and/or decor one that suits me. What makes you like Domino so much?

    My magazine pile usually includes Cloth Paper Scissors, Somerset Studio/Workshop...and also Adorn and Blueprint before they went under :(

  4. It's dd's favorite mag. She is wanting to be a green architect and a graphic designer after she goes to college so I'm thinking the style, colors and design appeal to her in this mag. I find it interesting to look at, myself, especially for the color combinations (which I like to use in my art.)

  5. glad tonsil girl is good--will have to give her a hard time about her drug "problem" . . .

  6. My favorite magazine lately has been an art magazine called HIGH FRUTOSE. It's like sub culture art, and I am loving it!!

    Happy Early Birthday to you...

  7. hope your dd is feeling okay!

    i just bought a magazine called Holiday Home...and I love it! It has all kinds of crafts for halloween and xmas!

  8. Domino is a great mag!! Your DD is gorgeous! My fave is Real Simple and of course Cloth Paper Scissors!

    Hope you got to rest up girl!


  9. Well, my favorite is Somerset Studio. why? Inpiration of course!!!!!

  10. YAY! PICK ME! PICK ME! HAppy Birthday!

  11. My favorite magazine is National Geographic. I look at the photos for color, design, point of view and use it for inspiration all the time. The articles are interesting too. :-)


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