
Monday, September 22, 2008

Birthday Celebration #1

Oh! I'm so excited for this birthday celebration to begin! I have many ideas to share and several things I've been wanting to give away including art, supplies and who knows what else? It will be fun. Now mind you, I'm not organized in any fashion so these daily posts won't probably pop up at the same time everyday. It's just whenever I get a chance to type them (plus dd is having tonsil surgery tomorrow so I'll be a bit busy taking care of her too.)

Let's get started! I figure if we're going to have a party, we need to decorate. Right? Isn't that one of the first things you do at a party?! I'm a lover of all things vintage and streamers galore, pretty plates, china cups, noise makers of course. I can envision a pretty table setting of flowers, and lovely dishes. (I found the book below that looked like it might help with table setting.) If I was having an outside party, I'd love those little japanese lanterns with lights, wouldn't you? What's your ideal party decor?

Remember the banner I made awhile back for the Vintage Party Swap? You can make one too! I found a couple tutorials with detailed instructions. I also found some fun links for centerpieces, making your own pinata as well as decorating tips.

Decorations & Table settings
Fabric Banner Tutorial
Paper Banner Tutorial
Family Tree Centerpiece
Birthday Number Centerpiece
Unicorn Pinata
Themed Party Ideas

I know decorating can be time consuming, so you could probably use some fortification. Here's a recipe for a Mocha Frappuchino - Coffee cubes recipe: 2 Cups hot coffee 1/2 Cup sugar 1/2 Cup cream -> Mix and pour into ice cube tray & freeze. - then take said frozen cubes out of freezer and complete the following as per video - take 6 Frozen coffee ice cubes 3 Tablespoons of favorite chocolate syrup 1 Cup of milk toss into blender on the "pulse" setting, have at 'er and enjoy.

Today, as a giveaway or giveaways, I'd like to offer the following:

#1 - I have this altered bottle I made awhile back. It will be full of a MIX of old buttons from my collection (not just the pink you see.)

#2 - I'm giving away 20+ sheets of stickers, some letters may be missing from some sheets, a lot of them are full and complete.

#3 - And finally,
I thought I might share one of my favorite Fingernest rings. The winner will have their pick of any from my Etsy shop. Take a look over there and tell me your favorite jewelry piece I make! Oh, and tell me your ideal party decor!

The prizes will be awarded on my October 6th birthday. They will be randomly picked by of course. I'll be giving away prizes every weekday this week and next! Good luck!

(NOTE: There are 10 posts with giveaways for my birthday celebration. Don't forget to sign up for EACH post's prizes.)


  1. Lovely giveaway Kris!! I love the "reflect" pendant - it's so sweet!!!
    And for parties and entertaining I'm all about candles and "ambiance". I like to match my decor to the theme with napkins, candle rings, candles in that colour...

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I totally dig your party graphic up top!

    Ideal decor for me? and lots of mini-lights!

  3. I'm so happy to be celebrating your birthday with you! Congrats & here's to many more beautiful, creative, zany years ahead! So sweet that you're giving things away at your party!

    My favorite party decor is anything slightly chaotic -- whether it be a mix of vintage plates and cups or just a jumble of everything in the house that matches a particular color scheme. I guess as long as it doesn't look like it came out of the same "party in a bag," I love it.

    Again, happy birthday!

  4. Have a totally awesome birthday!
    chris p

  5. My favorite party decor is a Victorian tea. I use an antique embroidered tablecloth, fragile plates, make cucumber sandwiches and tiny frosted cakes, and of course tea. I decorate the table with a bouquet of old-fashioned flowers and leave a tiny handmade gift on each guest's plate. Very romantic and fun. My friends and I get dressed up in gauzy dresses and wear hats.

    Have a great birthday! :-)

  6. Happy *almost* birthday month! My son's birthday is the same day as yours, so I'm going to enter your give-away and hope that I'm the lucky recipient of #1. I just love your altered bottle *smiles*.

    By the way, I met you through Vallen's blog.

  7. Ohhhhhh, I love the Lady Madonna ring! And my ideal party decor would be everything in sepia tones and all of the decorations would be vintage, and everyone would wear a crown to match their personality.

  8. First, congrats on your upcoming birthday! I will have to admit my party decor is pretty much limited to kid parties. My favorite one was my daughter's 2nd birthday. We did a Peter Rabbit theme and bought a dozen little dressed bunnies and they were "guests" along with her other stuffed bunnies to our birthday tea party. We had a bunny cake, punch, carrots and dip of course and fun was had by all:)

    The rings are all cool, but I love the Reflect Me pendant!

  9. Okay, if I have to pick just one, it's the blinga ring.

  10. happy birthday! I love the buttons jar, I love anything vintage...

  11. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Thanks for giving away presents on your birthday. Very hobbit-like of you. ;)

  12. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Happy Birthday !!!!


  13. What a fun and GENEROUS idea Kris! Love it!
    I love everthing in your Etsy store, but the rings are my fav... I esp. love the ring with the pink rhinestone bling!
    As for my fav. party decor, sounds cheesy, but it's Hawaiian theme all the way!

  14. What fun! Lots of stops to make at this party! WOOHOO!

  15. Happy Birthday to you :)

  16. I am celebrating my sons 17 year old birthday this weekend...and while the decorating is not as grand as what you have shared - it is just enough for him to know we are happy he is ours...and makes him feel enough like a kid but not over the top.

  17. Anonymous12:36 AM

    I simply adore the hearts afire valentine pendant you have!! absolutely gorgeous!!

    My party decoration is more suited for Winter time, I love throwing Hot Cocoa parties when the weather turns cold. We'll invite some friends over to share some cups of steaming hot cocoa with marshmallows!! I normally have the rooms decorated in my favorite colors of purple, aqua and grey with snowflakes flittered around.

    cherryrhoades @ yahoo . com


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