
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Blessings to You!

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

Can it really be that another year has flown by? It's been filled with ups, downs, art and life, times of struggle and unspeakable joy. This was the year I started my blog, the year I met and cultivated new friendships, the year I started sewing again (or maybe I'm just collecting fabric? ha) I pray the new year brings more of a focus to my art, a closer relationship with God and my family, a cleaner house *wink*, more joy than I've known before. I pray the same for you too.

Our Christmas was a special time spent with family and my parents in their new abode. We rounded out our Christmas with the movie 'Night At The Museum'. Great family time! I hope your celebration was as memorable.

This New Year weekend finds us moving quite slow. A couple of us have bad colds/fevers and DH is down with back spasms. I forsee a very sedate New Years celebration. My weekend plans to clean my art room have fallen by the wayside. I've been reading so many wonderful artsy magazines and blogs while cooped up here in the sick bed, that I'm itching to create. Several new blogs I've found that I love and want to share:

I rec'd many wonderful things for Christmas including a Clover Mini Iron and a GC to Borders. I'm excited to pick up a few art books. I'm looking at Collage Unleashed and I saw that Audrey recommended Mixed Media Explorations. I would love it if you would share your favorite art books. I don't want to buy books I will just peruse and then leave on the shelf. I want useful books.

Have fun making New Years resolutions you won't keep. As for me, I don't think I'll make any this year. I think I'll just wing it! *wink* Happy New Year. May your year be blessed.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Reading & Dancing

It's like the holidays make me lazy. Okay, not lazy because I've been winter cleaning rooms and closets like I'm a mad woman since we're on a break from homeschooling. But I mean lazy in the sense of I want to sit around drinking tea, eating Hershey's kisses (favorite flavor shown) and reading. Reading all the time. Reading everything! I think it started when I got the next 2 books we're reading in book club, from the library. I ended up getting more books from those authors. Plus it seems all my shows are already in repeats so who wants to watch TV?

I read these over the weekend:
A Cup of Tea by Amy Ephron
One Sunday Morning by Amy Ephron
Eyes of Elisha by Brandylin Collins
Dread Champion by Brandylin Collins

Reading these:
All Cracked Up by Patsy Clairmont
Francesca's Kitchen by Peter Pezzelli
The Children of Men by P.D. James
Not Your Parents Marriage by Jerome Daley

What are you reading? I need ideas for my next library visit!

DD Alex went to her first dance this past week. I swear she was just my baby and now she is 14 and dancing the night away... *sigh* She is in the black and her friend Sarah is the princess on the left. Aren't they beautiful?

Okay, back to closet cleaning...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas Craftiness

Ahhh, the Christmas season is upon us! I'm not ready! I guess you can never be 'ready' according to the list you form in your head. It will never be perfectly according to what you want. I think the process of getting ready for Christmas is the joy in the season. At least I'm holding onto that thought, since I already feel so behind...

I made an advent garland (click to see larger) for the ScrapAddict design team and we've been taking off a booklet each day in December and writing things we're thankful for, and then hanging them on a little Christmas tree. Examples of a few thankful thoughts (remember, some of these are from children *wink*):
- God and Jesus
- family
- friends
- Chipotles & Rooster Booster Lite (can't imagine whose this was!)
- my 2 cats
- sister
- my girls, especially when they laugh out loud
- 7 yr old girls who conduct an orchestra in their underwear (it was happening at that moment. ha)
- art, any kind of art (from DD)
- hot cocoa and coffee
- snow and winter weather
- mom and dad
- heat, water, light, warm beds and clean clothes

I'm working on some simple ornaments (made with copies of old postcards) to include in secret santa packages and christmas cards. You can't really tell by the pics but there is glitter in various forms on each piece and the bird has a jewel eye. The background is green sequin waste. I'm thinking they need maybe some fake berries woven into the bottom or a clip of some kind? Not sure yet...

And here is just a taste of some other things I'm working on. I'll share them soon. (sorry, scanner scanned a bit wacky, but you get the idea.)

I'm behind in my Christmas cards. Besides the swap I did awhile back (and made 10 cards), I only have 1 card made so far. I like this new design though. Found something like it in an older Martha Stewart book. Great way to use up ribbon scraps. Hopefully I'll get a few more made soon. I have another planned with buttons. Stay tuned!

This picture of the girls (above) will be inside when I send out the cards. Aren't they adorable?! Happy December!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Christmas Cheer

Today is a snow day. Well, the snow is coming tonight, so we 'called it' a snow day (benefits of homeschooling in action. *wink* And all the local school districts are on snow days anyway.) The girls have promised to do their reading and history later. So we started our snow day making these little pretties.

I can't wait until we light these babies up after dark! DH will be so surprised! We've hung them on shepherd's staffs (which usually hold bird feeders or plants) along the sidewalk.

We've made coffee (very essential) and yummy banana bread made by my DD of course. We are doing a little 'winter cleaning' and then heading to the basement for more Christmas decorations.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. (Night pictures to come...)

Edited: Adding night pics now. Aren't they adorable?! I love them!

Someone asked for directions in making the stars. I saw them on a show on DIY or HGTV. I could never explain it if I tried, but it was an easy project. We modified it and used lots of chopsticks I had laying around (instead of the bamboo poles.) Oh, here are the directions online at HGTV. Probably should have looked for those before we made them! DUH! ha

Have fun creating! And don't forget to glitter them like we did!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Needle felting is easy peasy. I didn't need a class to learn it but I didn't know that until I had taken the class! ha

You need:
Felting needles - There are several sizes; I have 36, 38 and 40. 36 is for light fabrics, 38 is all purpose and 40 is for heavier fabrics.
Wool Roving - here is where you can go overboard, like me. I love to have as many colors as I can. I bought mine from a lady on ebay who has a farm. She had a summer set and a fall set of colors.
Fabric - this is for your backing material. I think you can use muslin, cotton, linen, really whatever you want as your background. I used muslin for mine.
Foam Pad - This one is extremely important. You need a 2", yes a 2" thick piece of foam. I just bought a chair foam pad from JoAnns. It's what you poke through to make the wool stay in the muslin. If you get any thinner you might poke and hit the table and snap them off.

1 - Draw a simple pattern on your muslin. The simpler it is, the easier it will be. Applique patterns are great for this. You can draw with a pencil or that disappearing quilting pen.
2 - Take a very small tuft of the wool, lightly ball it up and then place it where you want it.
3 - Take the needle you're using, hold it firmly and poke down, pull up, poke down on the wool. IMPORTANT: keep your needle straight at all times. Don't turn it in the foam or it will snap off. Try to go into the foam straight and not at an angle. The barbs on the bottom of the needle push the wool into the fabric, essentially joining them. Keep poking at it until it is secure.
4 - Try not to use too big a piece in the beginning. You can always go back and fill in later.
5 - Continue adding and poking until the space for that color is full. Then lift your muslin away from the foam, just to disconnect the wool which also attaches to the foam.
6 - To add accent you can use embroidery thread for small areas and words.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that can get you started. I have carpal tunnel and I found that this did not aggravate it at all. Maybe because I didn't grip the needle too hard or anything.

Have fun and I wanna see any projects you try!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Felting & Sashiko

I think I'm in love with this new needle felting hobby. The class I took awhile back was for a wallhanging, but I liked it better as a pillow (not to mention the tree grew and grew until the house was out of proportion and needed words on the right to balance it all out.) But its my first try at needle felting, so I'm giving myself a break.

(Closeup of the felting. Not sure its clear?)

Now I'm looking around at Christmasy patterns I might want to try. Hillary's Stitchettes are just begging for a little felted sweater I'm sure. I might do that next.

I picked up The Ultimate Sashiko Sourcebook at the library the other day. I'm completely enamoured. Of course it says to use 'authentic Sashiko thread' which I have no clue where to get. I do see places online to buy but I don't have any experience with any of those companies so I'm a bit leary. If anyone has a supplier of this thread, I would love to know about it. Otherwise I might be illegally resorting to embroidery thread. It's an excellent book! I can't wait to try this! It's on my list of 'hobbies to try this winter' list.

DD #2 is complaining of a stomach ache, so I'm off to attend her. Hope it won't become our first bout of the flu. I don't think I'm ready for that?!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Have You? Did You?

It is our right. It is our privilege.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I don't really have anything of interest to say. Isn't that weird? For those who know me, they are shocked. I always thought I was a LOUD person, but a friend told me once, 'you're not really loud, you just talk a lot.' Yes, she is still my friend... It's true though. Do you ever look at your life and think, 'if I had to describe my life weekly to someone, it would be very boring.' Nothing changes for the most part. I mean, if I thought about it, I could think of something I'm sure. Okay, I'll pretend I'm interesting for a minute...

Top Ten Things Different Now From Last Week

1 - I can see my DD's bedroom floor. It's a huge accomplishment! It was scary before!
2 - Last day of my job as church nursery director was today. I held the position for 2 whole years and made lots of friends. It was time to move on.
3 - Made some Christmas Gift Tags (seen above). Trying to get a jump on Christmas.
4 - Ate Chipotles about 4x this week. I think that is a record!
5 - I'm ALMOST done organizing and purging my art room. Haven't I been saying that for almost a year now? *shock*

** Yeah, not so interesting, I ran out of boring things to list after 5... I'll try to be more exciting next week. **

Now you're turn. Oh, wanted to mention a couple things... I'm having a Stampin' Up party this week. I'm not really a stamp girl, but I LOVE their ink pads. I have several friends coming and it should be an evening of craftiness, loud talking and being shushed by the poor SU lady trying to hold our demonstration. It will be fabulous. If anyone happens to 'NEED' something, see the catalog here and email me with an order. I'll have the stamp lady call you for your payment info.

I started another fabric swap at Swap-Bot. You would think I had enough fabric now, especially since I haven't been doing anything with it lately... However, you can never have too much fabric. *wink* This one is a bit different, its a kit, so you have something to work on during the winter.

In case you need things to read, here you go:

Cream Puff has me in bread heaven this week. WARNING, be careful going to this blog when you're hungry. I'm dying for Focaccia now!
Ms. Pom has been to watercolor class again. I'm going to try the '6 mini landscapes' I think. Makes the watercoloring effort much less daunting.
Angry Chicken - what is it with people lately? I think since it is fall, people have been in the baking mood! MonkeyBread is tempting me at ACs! Don't forget to scroll down and check our her cute fall dresses for her girls!
Ikea Hacker - Gosh, I *heart* IKEA. We make a pilgrimage there everytime we are in Atlanta visiting mom and dad. Now that mom and dad are moving back here, where will we go? There has been a rumor that one is coming to Kansas City, but I'll believe it when I see it... On this blog they take items from IKEA and alter them. Someone after my own heart!
DIY Network - I've been watching a lot of decorating, crafting and remodeling shows lately. I get all excited about making changes around here, and then I get up from the TV and sigh. I'm too lazy to do anything! It was cool to see they have a 'green building' section at this site, since my father is a green architect... Favorite new shows I've been watching on DIY or HGTV: Simply Quilts, Stylelicious, Crafters Coast To Coast, Craft Lab, From Junky To Funky, My First Place, My Parent's House, That's Clever, and I always love Cash In The Attic.

Gosh! I guess I found things to say after all!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Christmas Comes Early...

In our house apparently.

The girls have been arguing most of the day while trying to get homeschool done. One of those days where you just want to ship them off to grandma's house. In Bora Bora. For a week! DD #1 finally told DD #2, 'if we just sing Christmas songs it will make us happy and we'll get our work done'. We tend to sing christmas carols when we're happy, I guess she thinks it will work the opposite way (purposely sing it to GET happy.) Aren't children great?!

So, I'm streaming Christmas music as I type and happiness is reigning in the Tuey house...

Just in case you didn't know, Christmas is coming soon!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The many faces of... my crazy family!

Halloween is over, well, in this house it is.

DD #2 and I hit the local church for their annual Fall Festival. I really think it is a big ministry they take on themselves. They have FREE dinner, games, candy and a 'maze' where each room tells a different story of the bible. It really is a good thing for the community. We love it.

DH and DD #1 decided to stay home and hand out candy. They are wacky and decked out in makeup and black clothing. Not sure what DD was supposed to be (but looks beautiful anyway), but DH went with a Rock Star, sort of, and later donned a Pirate hat for fun. Doesn't he look a bit like Johnny? hehe
DD #2, after much crying, hemming, hawwing, etc... agreed to be Pippy Longstocking. I'm so glad she did. She was wanting to be a fairy in a ripped, stained and very cold dress up costume. She looked much more adorable as Pippy.

How was your halloween? Don't forget to brush your teeth!

Whipped Vanilla Mocha Java

DD #1 has an affinity for coffee. Just set aside that fact that she is 13. She thinks she can do better with her homeschool work if she 'just has coffee'. *motherly eyeroll inserted here* She has certain drinks she orders at Borders, Starbucks and even at our local coffee shop. They know her by NAME there. She plans to work there when she turns 14 in 2 weeks. That remains to be seen. Can kids work at 14? *shock* Anyway, this morning she attempted to make some cold concoction, like she orders at places. It was DELICIOUS! (pictured ------>) I asked her for a recipe (as a joke). She gave me one! So I'm sharing with you...

Whipped Vanilla Mocha Java

2 cups strong fresh brewed coffee

1 cup milk, 2% cold

3 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. vanilla syrup


Pour over cup of ice

Top with whip cream


Recipe by Alex Tuey

Monday, October 30, 2006

Art & Somerset Studio

Happy Halloween!!! (in 2 1/2 hours) Have fun trick or treating for some teeth rotters! I know I will!


Tiny bit of creating time this weekend and today. I was 'motivated' by the fact that I owe 12 thank you cards for a swap. I gave myself a challenge, use only scraps, even the cardstock (gotta empty my scrap drawers somehow!) Used mostly my friend Catherine's Sketches from ScrapAddict. Didn't even make a dent in the mass of paper in the drawers, but I got 15 cards done...

Had a good time with friends and family this weekend. Mom was in town for a brief moment and we ate and laughed and window shopped together. I miss her dearly. Can't wait until she is back here permanently. Went to a crop with local friends on Sunday. Enjoyed 2 baby showers at the crop as well. Didn't get a lot done, but I filled my soul with friendships. What is more productive than that? OKay, I did get 2 simple ATCs done for a swap (first pic.)

Rec'd my
Somerset Studio over the weekend, or was it last week? The days are starting to run together. Anyway, if you don't get this magazine, you are missing out. This month's was particularly inspiring. Don't know if it's because I love Christmas so much or it was just the content, but if you have a chance to see it, DO SO...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Happiness, Halloween & Felting

Do you ever have that feeling that full happiness if just over -------> there, if I could just reach it? I'm a pretty happy person, unless my DH or DDs get under my skin but sometimes.... I think I or we or some people let happiness stay just out of their reach, probably because they're afraid of what to do with it. I was talking to a friend once about chaos, and whatnot. We discussed how growing up his life was chaos, family fighting, not dealing with problems, just 'letting them slide' and that is how he sometimes deals with things now. I told him, maybe he lets it be that way because he is 'comfortable' with that because it is all he knows. (My classes in psych are peeking out aren't they. *wink*) I think I do this sometimes. Not clean my house when I know it would make me happier and things run smoother. Not lose weight when I know I'd feel better. Simple things like not dye my hair even though I would feel prettier with it red instead of grey. Dumb stuff. And the even harder thing is saying 'okay, I've had enough, I'm not slacking anymore, I'm going to do what I need to do.' Then time/life gets in the way and I backslide... I haven't found a cure for this yet...

I'm WAY TOO philosophical this late at night. Need to hit the hay. On to happier things.

Homeschool skating party today went well. The girls looked adorable. DD #2 went with yet another concoction of her own making (pajamas girl, complete with blankie and stuffed animal.) I'm sure glad I didn't shell out big bucks for a costume. DD #1 and friend went as 80's girls and were adorable! I can see me in my high school years, in my DD's face. Ahhh, those were the days.

Mrs. Pom
asked me to post pics of my felting project from my felting class. I also worked on a pin but it didn't turn out too well, even though some ladies (Lisa, Tonya and Trish) tried to help me salvage it during skating... I'll post felting project pics as soon as I feel comfortable with something I've made. Prepared to be amazed. Or to roll your eyes at me and go about your business.

Stay tuned...

Mom hits the friendly skies tomorrow and skids to a lovely halt here in KC. Can't wait to hug her! She is just here for a visit, but will be here permanently in 2 weeks. I'm in heaven!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Halloween & mom

We went to the fall festival at church on Friday. DD #2 had her pick of several costumes in the dress up box but she chose to mix and match her own creation. I think she looked adorable! For the next halloween party (Thursday) I believe she is choosing the pirate costume. Isn't life grand, to have so many choices at your disposal?!

DD #1 and her friend want to be 80's girls for the Thursday party. We looked up outfits online to get an idea of what she should look for when she went with said friend and DH to the thrift store today. She asked me what 'mall bangs' were and I was embarrassed to say I knew exactly what she meant. The 80's had some great things going for it, mall bangs and mullets were not some of them.

What you and your family going to be this year?

Mom is coming into town this weekend for her birthday (and moves here permanently to be with dad, in 2 weeks. YAY!) Happy Birthday mom. May all your days be young days filled with love, happiness and joy!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Shwonk Shwonk

I know I'm talking to myself, but I like to post here when I think of something, pretending you all are out there in blog-la-land laughing at, I mean WITH me...

Had the most fabulouso time at Needle Felting class tonight! This craft is so easy peasy! I just love new hobbies! I'll share my project as I get more of it done. I showed DH the project (interrupting his tv time *eyeroll*) . He showed minimal interest.
And then I said "Listen!"
*dead silence*
and then *shwonk shwonk shwonk shwonk shwonk* (sound of needle going in and out of the fabric and foam.)
"Can you sleep with that sound so I can felt while watching TV?"

Apparently he thinks not. I'm going to test that assumption tonight. hehe

For some reason I found this whole exchange extremely funny and can't believe I even asked him! ha

I was reading Pom's blog today and was so inspired, as usual. She was talking about doing art and others seeing it... (totally blog-quoting her here):

"It takes both guts and foolhardiness; a soft heart and a hard head; experience and innocence; rebellion and trust.

You need a thick skin to put your soul out there, whether you dance, sing, write, paint, sculpt, weave, garden, act, or play an instrument. It's much easier to remain quiet on the sidelines and keep to what is safe and known."

Don't you just want to hug another artist or something because of those inspiring words? Hugs to all, who put their souls out there for us to see. We SO appreciate your risk and creative spirits.

Monday, October 23, 2006


I was thinking today that i haven't really been 'collaging' lately. Seems funny to have a blog of 'Collage Contessa' and not have anything to show for it in forever. But I realize it may just be a metaphor for me. If you take all my parts, the old and new hobbies that interest me, my family & friends, my activities and everything else in between, you'd get a collaged view of my life. So maybe I'm a living collage. Or a mosaic. Probably a crazy quilt. hehe

I've had stuff sitting here to send to my secret sister (in a brown swap - ie: everything is brown) but could never find a brown container to put it all in. So I finally whipped one up tonight. I like it. Used an old fabric from who knows when, and lined it with already quilted fabric. Now I want to KEEP the bag, its so big!
(about 14X16") ha I hope she likes it.

Very excited about tomorrow evening. I'm heading to a class at the local Quilt Shop. My friend Trisha is coming with me as well. We're taking a Needle Felting class. It's going to be a blast! I bought all my needles and Roving Wool on eBay from a wonderful seller! I want to learn wool felting as well, but one thing at a time right now.

And just for future reference, a list of things I want to try this winter...
1 - Braided Rugs (I've been saving jeans for years and I picked up the tools needed a garage sale. I'm all set!)
2 - Silk Painting
3 - Paper making
4 - Making paper out of fabric (I've heard you can do this, but can't find instructions)
5 - Try making a Crazy Quilt Pillow (start small is the key)
6 - Art of Japanese Sashiko stitching
7 - Finish my year-in-review Album

(Can you tell I've been catching up on my taped episodes of 'Simply Quilting'? ha)

What do you want to do this winter for fun?

P.S. Post for Audrey and Kathy (in answer to your posts). I finally 'wuss-up'd' and watched Flightplan. There is just something about the way that Jodie Foster and her wide eye shocking looks in the previews kept me away from this movie. Watched it last night and it was wonderful. We watched it in my bedroom so I did a lot of blanket hiding in anticipation. You know, they play that spooky music and you just KNOW something is going to happen. It wasn't scary scary like Friday the 13th scary. Just suspense scary. I would recommend it to anyone. Of course it has Jodie Foster. You can't go wrong there. We also watched A MidSummer Nights Dream with Kevin Kline in it. DD had just gotten the 'No Fear Shakespeare' book from B&N and loved it. Those books are great. On one page they have traditional Shakespeare. The page across has it in plain english. Very user friendly. Actually made her want to read more. The movie had its moments of almost nudity (men holding clothing in front of themselves *eyeroll*) but other than that, great.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The times, they are a changin'...

With winter coming I just couldn't stand the sight of my site. *big smile* It was all dark, dank black. So depressing! So I've been playing around. Added new links, books I'm reading at this time and new blogs to peruse. I feel much better now. That was cathartic. The topper is a pic of a vintage pieced pillow cover I am decorating my bedroom around. I just love the colors.

Off to clean said room and watch Flightplan. Got it from Netflix. Hope it is good and not too scary. I'm a wuss.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Domestication of Me...

I've been a domestic goddess this last week. Well, not really, but I sewed tea towels for a swap. Does that count? Yes, I'm behind on this swap but hey! They're done now. I got the most adorable tea towel from my partner. I use it daily. I'll have to take a pic of it, after it comes out of the wash.

Now, be kind. I know, it looks like a 12 year old did some stitching, but I'm really 12. No seriously. I am! Well, I'm 12 INSIDE then... I even bought embroidery patterns but in the end I resorted to my own sketching and handwriting.

Includes hand quilting and embroidery and some edge stitching on my new machine I'm still getting the hang of.

Okay, I'm off to find the needle I lost in the bed before DH wants to sleep in it.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Random Saturday Thoughts...

(pic of dd)

Enjoyed a wonderful mexican dinner with dad last night who has finally pulled into town for good. Hoping mom can follow soon, praying for a fast house sale (need a house in Fayetteville, GA? I have just the house for you!) so she can come home again. We miss her. Dinner was yum. Best spinach/chicken enchiladas with white sauce I've ever met.

After dinner we headed to Barnes & Noble for a little friday night family book time. For me, I wander around with pilfered pen and paper in hand making lists. List of books for DD & I to read. Usually from the library. DD squirreled away with about 7 beauty and skateboarding magazines and stayed in the kids corner barely watching her sibling so us parents could wander. I don't usually have something set to look for. I find I wander and certain covers catch my eye. I think I'm a visual reader. The cover gets me hooked but the description has to keep me there. Who knows how many fabulous books I'm missing out on because they are housed in plain book wrappings. I also people watch. Or not-watch. With my head down 'looking' at books on lower shelves, I can sidle up to many people and hear the books they're discussing, the plans they're making, etc... Not that I'm an evesdropper. It usually happens naturally. I'm looking for a book, I go to that section and there they are, people gabbing. So I just take a bit more time to find the book I can plainly see on the shelf. Hey! It's my entertainment for the moment! So sue me!

I checked out the list of the few people who frequent my blog. DD and I had fun discovering there were 6 countries in the last week that came to it. I'm sure some were cyber-bots but some were from legitimate websites or other blogs. Found several blogs that list mine in their 'daily reading' or 'fun reading' lists. I feel so honored and don't know what I said or did to earn that distinction. But I love it. I can now pretend someone cares! *snort*

Getting ready to go try to fix my unruly hair and head to some thrift stores for a bit of 'me' time, and some shopping for DD. Shes grows so quickly, I'm not purchasing full price stuff most of the time. Besides, I might find more books I need or fabrics languishing on the shelves waiting for me. Who knows!

Off I go. Oh! If you're bored with me and want to see a REAL blog, go visit Ms. Pom. I always look forward to her ramblings. I always catch up on my 'Pom readings'. *Wink*

Friday, October 13, 2006

DD's Collages & Fabric Swap

Do you see that title up there? Collage Contessa? Well, I officially concede the title. My collages are dirty and random but most times they have an element of linear-ness to them. That is my analytical mind fighting my creative spirit. (You didn't know I could be so self searching this late at night did you?! ha)

I have trouble with the collages that include all manner of things all over. How do people think through that process, make it look fabulous AND know when to stop? I'm never sure of my collages when I'm done. Who knows why...

ANYWAY! I was talking about my DD. Maybe its the teenage-uninhibited-random mentality but she really has done some great collages for her room this week. She wants to frame some of them for above her bed... She always tells me she turns her mistakes into part of the art and I try to remember that when I make something. Here are a couple she made this week. They're about 14x14" and 14x16". They're even named; Delicate Impressionism (1st one) and Dental Exuberation Exploration (2nd one.) Aren't they great?

Oh, before you go, I am running another Fabric swap on Swap-Bot. Come join me!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

About Wednesday... on Thursday

Okay, so I got sidetracked today and didn't post (talking about Wednesday since its 330 am on Thursday morn.) Life is busy like that. How was your day? What did you do?

I gathered up the 100+ books we had out from the library, returned them and promptly came home with 78. Are we readers or what?! Lots of good artsy stuff in there though. I'll let you know if any books catch my fancy.

I can see the floor in my art room finally. Now that's an accomplishment!

I watched Count of Monte Cristo while I scrapped 2 layouts. I was a bit disappointed, but I guess you would be too if you had read the UNabridged 1462 page version of the book and they make an 1 1/2 hour movie about it. It's just not all gonna fit. Gotta face that! However, from purely a good/bad movie standpoint, its great. Beautiful views throughout. Wonderful! Also watched Click. SO much language and innuendos that I didn't need to hear but it has a great message. Family comes first. DH and I both need to remember that more.

Okay, you are free to move about the country. I'm done gabbin'. *wink*

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I keep this mini galvanzied bucket on my desk. When I jot down a website to visit, a project idea to make, things to look up, books I want to order from the library, etc... I throw all those little papers in this bucket. I thought this was a wonderful idea because those little 'notes to self' kept piling up and getting all over my desk. When I have a moment I go through them all, look up the sites, order books, etc... I thought I would share links I've found lately that you might enjoy looking up when you have a 'free moment'.

Artsy Companies
9 ½ Design
Thimble (her Button of the Month club is the BEST deal! I bought it for my DD and plan to buy it for friends for Christmas! Go get your set! 6 months, $18.00!)
I Love Cute Things (Buttons)
Truche (LOVE the new fall jewelry!)
Silver Faerie Designs (beautiful jewelry)
This is Swigg (drooling over everything, must have!)

Other Art Links
Art Institutes (my DD is looking at art schools)
Fabric Paints & other Arts
Omni Gel
Art Catalog
Trace Products

Five In A Row (based right here in my city, great books!)
Teacher Vision
States (great States/Capitals worksheets!)
School Express
Books & Beyond
Vocabulary Puzzles
Aesop’s Fables
Reading Incentive Program
Beautiful Feet Books (Catalog of 'History Thru Literature' products)

Couch Potato Land

So we joined Netflix. I like the concept of never having to leave my home to go to a video rental place, search for movies that are actually semi-good to watch and finding that there are no more available that day. So far we've received Chicken Little (favorite with the kidlets), Pirates of the Caribbean (accidently ordered the 1st one, thought it was the 2nd, which incidentally doesn't come out until Dec 3.) and Lake House.

I love Sandra Bullock. And put her with the adorable Keanu and its a wonderful hour and a half of couch potato land. Just received Click and Count of Monte Cristo (since I read the 1462 page book for book club, I thought I should watch the movie) is on the way. Akeelah and the Bee for the kids will be here soon as well.

What movies have you seen or want to see lately that you recommend? I have room in my queue...


I've been busy. Haven't visited my own blog or anyone elses for that matter, in a month! Time flies when you're livin'... What has everyone been up to?

I have been experimenting with sewing lately. I bought that brand spankin' new sewing machine and have made exactly one bag and one pillow. When the tension on the machine messed up, I worked on a wall hanging (not finished yet) and just completed 1 mini fabric book by hand (for my funky fabric swap partner). I really need to read the sewing machine manual again.

Pic 1:Fabric book

Pic 2: Pillow seen in background of my color swap items

Haven't been artsy-ing much. Homeschool is taking up a lot of time with places to go, projects, etc... Hoping we get a routine going and can be more organized. I've been working on home improvement projects lately as well. Or at least shopping for the stuff needed, so DH can complete the lovely 'Honey Do' lists I've made for him. *wink*

Been on a fabric kick lately. Have several swaps I'm swapping FQs in, and have many Christmas projects in mind and some already started. Can't wait until I have more time to work on them. Only about 75 days, 20 hours and 35 minutes until Christmas! I better get busy. What projects are you working on for Christmas this year?

I realize I never stick with my goals to do more art, lose more weight, or even organize more. I thought I would try to do my best to blog more at least. Going to shoot for 3 times a week, but wouldn't it be an accomplishment to blog everyday until the new year? Kind of like a diary. I could see what I worked on all through the year. Gonna try.

Have any Christmas projects links or completed items to share with me? I still need ideas!