I've had stuff sitting here to send to my secret sister (in a brown swap - ie: everything is brown) but could never find a brown container to put it all in. So I finally whipped one up tonight. I like it. Used an old fabric from who knows when, and lined it with already quilted fabric. Now I want to KEEP the bag, its so big! (about 14X16") ha I hope she likes it.

And just for future reference, a list of things I want to try this winter...
1 - Braided Rugs (I've been saving jeans for years and I picked up the tools needed a garage sale. I'm all set!)
2 - Silk Painting
3 - Paper making
4 - Making paper out of fabric (I've heard you can do this, but can't find instructions)
5 - Try making a Crazy Quilt Pillow (start small is the key)
6 - Art of Japanese Sashiko stitching
7 - Finish my year-in-review Album
(Can you tell I've been catching up on my taped episodes of 'Simply Quilting'? ha)
What do you want to do this winter for fun?
P.S. Post for Audrey and Kathy (in answer to your posts). I finally 'wuss-up'd' and watched Flightplan. There is just something about the way that Jodie Foster and her wide eye shocking looks in the previews kept me away from this movie. Watched it last night and it was wonderful. We watched it in my bedroom so I did a lot of blanket hiding in anticipation. You know, they play that spooky music and you just KNOW something is going to happen. It wasn't scary scary like Friday the 13th scary. Just suspense scary. I would recommend it to anyone. Of course it has Jodie Foster. You can't go wrong there. We also watched A MidSummer Nights Dream with Kevin Kline in it. DD had just gotten the 'No Fear Shakespeare' book from B&N and loved it. Those books are great. On one page they have traditional Shakespeare. The page across has it in plain english. Very user friendly. Actually made her want to read more. The movie had its moments of almost nudity (men holding clothing in front of themselves *eyeroll*) but other than that, great.
1 comment:
Ummmm, I have the stuff to make paper in my basement (as opposed to the closet this time!)
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