I have been experimenting with sewing lately. I bought that brand spankin' new sewing machine and have made exactly one bag and one pillow. When the tension on the machine messed up, I worked on a wall hanging (not finished yet) and just completed 1 mini fabric book by hand (for my funky fabric swap partner). I really need to read the sewing machine manual again.
Pic 1:Fabric book
Pic 2: Pillow seen in background of my color swap items

Haven't been artsy-ing much. Homeschool is taking up a lot of time with places to go, projects, etc... Hoping we get a routine going and can be more organized. I've been working on home improvement projects lately as well. Or at least shopping for the stuff needed, so DH can complete the lovely 'Honey Do' lists I've made for him. *wink*
Been on a fabric kick lately. Have several swaps I'm swapping FQs in, and have many Christmas projects in mind and some already started. Can't wait until I have more time to work on them. Only about 75 days, 20 hours and 35 minutes until Christmas! I better get busy. What projects are you working on for Christmas this year?
I realize I never stick with my goals to do more art, lose more weight, or even organize more. I thought I would try to do my best to blog more at least. Going to shoot for 3 times a week, but wouldn't it be an accomplishment to blog everyday until the new year? Kind of like a diary. I could see what I worked on all through the year. Gonna try.
Have any Christmas projects links or completed items to share with me? I still need ideas!
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