Kids are sick. Yup. Again. Guess who is valiently trying NOT to succumb to the cough/cold thingie? Yup, me. I hate being sick. Stocking up on tissues and meds, just in case. Not missing book club this evening though. We're discussing the Christian thriller, Eyes of Elisha. I liked it so much, I read the sequel, Dread Champion. Need a good read, these are great.
DD has listed another painting on Etsy. I just love its eclecticness (is that a word?) Go check our Etsy shop out and if you can't live without something, buy it. *wink*. Forwarning, some jewelry is going up this week as well. Be on the lookout!
Today's mail was fabulous! I'm involved in this Secret Fairies swap for Valentine's Day. From across the pond, I rec'd a beautiful array of gifts. I started opening them and THEN remembered to take a pic. So there is half open and finished pics. It included yummy chocolate bars. Okay, I assume they're yummy. I haven't had a bite yet. Saving for during my art time. I DO know the Cadbury eggs are yummy. I had to crack one open to show the kids. The fabulous Cath Kidston soap, the beautiful glass slide w/lady inside. Oh, and I can't forget the butterfly keychain and the delightful handmade card! Thank you to my secret fairy!
Since last evening, I've been on an organizing kick. Now don't get all excited. I'm just talking about the art room. The rest of the house is organized in stages. But I can't stand my art room anymore. I started pulling stuff while I organize, that I just no longer use and want to get rid of. I'm going to be putting together some ephembera kits and listing them and other items on Etsy this week. I have mini books I've started, game pieces, a sticker maker, odds & ends of embellishments. So keep an eye out for those listings on Etsy, in case you're needing more stuff.
Since the kids are sick and just laying around reading and beading, I took a bit of time to organize my embellishments. I have 2 whole tubs just sitting on my desk to be added to my embellishment containers. See what I have to deal with? It will take me another hour I'm sure. But I'll be able to find everything when I'm done and that means more art, right?