Are you already thinking of the Christmas rigamarole? I know I am. It probably has something to do with Thanksgiving being next Thursday and the biggest shopping day of the year being the day after. I try to avoid that day like the plague. I stay home, do art, laugh at relatives who are up at the crack of yesterday to get to the dawn sales. This year won't be any different. There is nothing I want that bad to shove myself into a store with 10,000 other sleep deprived, hopped-up-on-caffeine, obsessive shoppers. I'm still getting over the fact that Christmas stuff started appearing in stores before Halloween was even over! Now that's just craziness. I understand that the economy is in the toilet and not as many people will be spending as much this Christmas. Stores are trying to advertise earlier so you're looking at product longer and its more likely you'll cave and buy. I get it. But it just brings it home for me how much we have, how much we are blessed, how little we really need. At least in our family.
I say this every year. We need nothing. And yet I still go crazy with Ebay & bookstore shopping purchasing gifts for the family. The kids usually have 10+ gifts a piece. Some little, some big but you get the idea. Too much. I think this year we're shooting for less-is-more. Maybe an electonic something and a couple books per person. Our extended family does this little dance each year called 'what are we doing for gifts THIS year?' Yes, its a dance. We never make a decision until last minute. Sometimes we're choosing names, sometimes we're just buying for everyone. This year I think we're just buying for kids. I hate the whole planning of gifts. It takes the joy out of it all. I tell my family, we can plan all you want but I do what I want. lol If I feel like giving something to everyone, I'll do that. Because for me its all about the giving. I don't care if I get any gifts. I understand why we do the dance, because with 15 people (16 come next week, yay for a new niece!) it can get expensive. I understand it, I just don't have to like it. All the commercialism. I hate that, and yet I contribute to it.
This year we're thinking of spreading the love. We're figuring where we can help out, and what we can do for those who don't have what we have. Our ideas so far:
*** 2 troubled children - a girl in my Sunday School class is a social worker with troubled/struggling families. Every year she is able to hand in the Christmas lists of kids she works with to an agency to fulfill their wishes. This year the agency isn't able to help as much. So we've taken on 2 children; 1 is a boy who is 10 and has similar interests to my 9 yr old dd. Legos, books, etc... We also picked a 14 yr old girl who unfortunately needs baby toys, maternity clothes and layette things. Yes, she is pregnant. My heart went out to her and I had to have her name.
*** The rescue mission downtown allows for help serving food at dinners. I know they're always crowded with help on Thanksgiving but not so much around Christmas. I plan to call and see if we can come on Christmas or the eve before, etc... My mom and SIL (possibly my teen too) are going down to serve this Saturday as well.*** Our city has an assistance program. They provide food, clothing, assistance with bills for low income families as well as allowing families to come shopping in their building for Christmas gifts (for free.) I'm thinking we could either donate or sort food, or help out when people come for food and gifts.
*** Harvesters is an organization in Kansas City, that provides food to the needy. Many area grocery stores have barrels in the front where you can drop in some groceries you buy and share. I saw recently where a Sunday School class went to the headquarters and helped sort food into boxes to give to various organizations. I'm thinking we could do that.
*** I'm thinking the girls and I could spend an afternoon or two writing notes and Christmas cards to soldiers overseas. I know that a lot of people might be doing that but its another way we can help out and can do that during our school time. I also found that you can send phone cards, gift cards, etc... through here, and care packages here. What a wonderful way to tell our troops we care about them no matter where they are.
Does anyone have any suggestions of other ways to help out? We're still figuring out what is best for us...