Can you believe its been a whole 'nother week since I blogged? Not that you all were waiting around with baited breath or anything for my wonderful words of wackiness. It's been a hugely busy week and a 1/2. Been planning the homeschool, listing on ebay like it's going out of style and so many other equally important things I can't think of at this precise minute. Not a brush, image or paint has been harmed in the making of this week. I have not made ANYTHING! I'm having withdrawls. Seriously, but until I get life in order, its on the back burner. I hate that. Homeschool starts tomorrow so hopefully that will start to run smoothly. Ebay is another can of worms.
Do you list auctions? I do. Again. I've done it off and on for over 7 years, with mostly success. DD and I decided we're back into it. I taught her how to list things and we're trying out a new accounting/listing program they offer (for a fee of course) so we can streamline everything. We plan to become PowerSellers. Not sure it will happen, but its a good project for us to work on together. Getting rid of extras around here for now. I listed the cutest tin, I almost kept to keep art supplies in. You should go see it. My ebay.
You should see the gift my friend Kathy sent me! She is just the mostest talentedest friend I have I've never met in real life! lol SHe sent me an ATC and a surprise of one of her prized metal tin quilted wallhangings I've been coveting. Get a gander at these babies ! And they're all mine! WAHHH HA HA HA HA (my attempt at an evil laugh. Did I scare ya? lol) GO see her Etsy store too!

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hi. Thought I'd give away a freebie this week since I've been so lax in posting. If you're new to my blog, sign up for my feedblitz (over on the right column) to get an email when I post a post. You'll just need to confirm it in your email. Or, if you already belong to my feedblitz, to enter, just post here about the last thing you were looking for on ebay. I always like to see what people look for! OR, post your favorite clean saying. Anyone else out there say 'oh my meaty brown mushrooms!' ??!
The winner will pick between these 2 ATCs I've had sitting around needing a home (you take home 1 ATC). Tell you friends to come play! I'll pick a winner Monday. Enjoy!

nice work
I like this
Those are really good mushrooms, by the way. I believe they may be baby Portobellas.
My last item I looked for on e-bay was cabinet cards. didn't win the bid, but they were cool. Kathy Eddy
I'm already signed up for FeedBlitz but I want to enter. The last thing I bid on was an antique Bingo game and a hymnal from 1906. Won them both!!! I'm already planning Christmas ornaments/gifts for our choir and other musical friends.
Have to say, too, that I love your eBay name. Mine is abc-books. Been selling for 7 years! Love it... but love Etsy more.
This is the first year that I'm NOT planning homeschool! After 12 years of homeschool, looks like we're done -- for now anyway.
Thanks for sharing with us!
How lucky that you got some of Kathy art...she does beautiful things. I love the two atc's you did...especially the one on the right with the fabric.
My, my, girl..you HAVE been busy! I just took a look at all of the items that you listed on EBAY. Good luck with the sales!
Don't feel bad about not getting any artwork done. We all go through those periods. I think it helps to take a break once in awhile.
Thanks so much for posting my goodies to your blog! I'm so glad that you liked them! They couldn't have gone to a nicer person!!
The word you're after is "criminy", a mild oath dating from 1861. Look it up in merriam-webster.com.
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