and there was REJOICING throughout the land...
Hootin' and hollerin', slapping on the back, clapping of the hands. You would have thought we had won a million bucks or something. Nope. Our internet service is working again after 2 days. *eyeroll* Apparently something went wrong with it Saturday night, and we didn't notice it until Sunday afternoon. I was out and about, and DD thought she was 'dying' without internet. Many many conversations with so-called 'internet technicians' and our wireless service has been restored for the peasants and royals alike. I'll admit, I didn't notice it not being on much today, since I was fighting a migraine and didn't want to be near anything electronic, that I would have to focus my eyes on. Needless to say, we are saddled again and internet bound. Hallelujah. I missed my blog... *carresses computer screen softly.*More rejoicings to be had...

I spent yesterday afternoon with some scrapbooking friends at a 'Forum Crop'. We met online at the 'local scrapbooking store's ' forum boards. 
I had the best time. I ate too much, scrapped too little and had a wonderful time. I even won a prize! Meeting people for the first time is kind of like the prize inside a box of cracker jacks.

You look forward to that little prize you're going to get inside, but you never know quite WHAT it's going to be. You just know you have to have it. That's how my friends are. Many I had not met in person, and they're a hoot online, but you never know what people will be like in person. 
What if they annoy you? What if they're slightly 'off'? *shock* Needless to say, I was fortunate yesterday.
Everyone was fabulous and if they were 'slightly off', they didn't show that side to me. Of course I hid mine as well. *wink* Thanks to: Micki, Sara, Lisa, Kerry, Kristin, DanaT, Christina, Ali, Annette, Tiffany, Toni, Maricar, Miranda, Kelly & DanaR for an unforgettable time (if I missed anyone, thank you too!) I can't wait for the next crop!
** I'm in the PEACH shirt ** Peace & Tranquility...
Tonight our family had our first game night in years. DD Alex was the first 'chooser' of this new habit of ours. (Can you call it a habit, if it's the first time??) She got to choose the food and the games. She chose beef enchiladas and card games. DD Sophia and DH made the food while Alex and I finished up her math. After a yummy dinner, we played card games. Go Fish, War and Golf. If you've never played Golf, invite me over and I'll teach you. But be prepared to lose. I love GOLF! And I don't even have to hold a club! (ha, play on words... club, cards, get it?! haha) I'll have to take a REAL pic of the cards we used. EDITED: Added the real 'ALTERED' cards DD decorated, that we used. DD has this pink set. All the cards are pink. I'm constantly getting confused, not only because they aren't distinguished by red/black, but also, she has 'decorated' them with sharpie ALL OVER the face cards. It was fun to play though.
I love the pink cards. Sigh... we need to start a game night.
Awesome pics, Kris -- thanks for posting them!
I had so much fun sitting with Miss Kris at the crop! I'm glad she didn't think I'm a bit off! Even though I know I am! Heehee! Thanks for blogging me!
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