You need:

Fabric - this is for your backing material. I think you can use muslin, cotton, linen, really whatever you want as your background. I used muslin for mine.
Foam Pad - This one is extremely important. You need a 2", yes a 2" thick piece of foam. I just bought a chair foam pad from JoAnns. It's what you poke through to make the wool stay in the muslin. If you get any thinner you might poke and hit the table and snap them off.
1 - Draw a simple pattern on your muslin. The simpler it is, the easier it will be. Applique patterns are great for this. You can draw with a pencil or that disappearing quilting pen.
2 - Take a very small tuft of the wool, lightly ball it up and then place it where you want it.
3 - Take the needle you're using, hold it firmly and poke down, pull up, poke down on the wool. IMPORTANT: keep your needle straight at all times. Don't turn it in the foam or it will snap off. Try to go into the foam straight and not at an angle. The barbs on the bottom of the needle push the wool into the fabric, essentially joining them. Keep poking at it until it is secure.
4 - Try not to use too big a piece in the beginning. You can always go back and fill in later.
5 - Continue adding and poking until the space for that color is full. Then lift your muslin away from the foam, just to disconnect the wool which also attaches to the foam.
6 - To add accent you can use embroidery thread for small areas and words.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that can get you started. I have carpal tunnel and I found that this did not aggravate it at all. Maybe because I didn't grip the needle too hard or anything.
Have fun and I wanna see any projects you try!
I love your felting project. thanks so much for sharing. I miss the ABM board and thought I would stop by and say "hi". Glad tosee you are happily creating. Since you posted the instructions I mught have to give this a try. Off to buy some needles.
Ok, see, I have no idea what you said there. Sounds like fun, but mostly, it sounds like Greek. I love that you love it, and I can't wait to see more of your stuff.. but sadly, I don't think I'll be trying it. =)
It sounds like a lot of fun! I learned a little about felting at the Ag. Hall of Fame in Bonner Springs, but that was long, long ago!
Looks like fun Kris! Something I've never tried before and kudos to you for learning something new!
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