This is all I managed to get done today. Shop and make a halloween ATC. Okay, I had the car inspected, bought lightbulbs for the tail lights so it will pass re-inspection tomorrow *sigh*, did a bit of homeschool and I think I ate a meal, maybe 2. That's it.
EDITED: I changed the card to add a web in the corner. So if you already saw the first one, no, you're not going crazy. I just didn't like the blank space...
I swear I bought enough food to feed a small country. We were low on EVERYTHING! (see receipts below) And you can imagine what my grocery list looks like shopping for 2 lo-carbers, 1 vegetarian and a hungry 8 year old!
RESPONSE to comments: Actually we live in the USA. One of these receipts is from Sams Club, a 'buy in bulk' store, so things LOOK more expensive but the packages include double food. And YES, we have too much food in this house. (Kathy, you're welcome to come eat here! ha) I'm hoping this might last almost for a month instead of the usual 2 weeks. In fact I'm planning on it. lol (Note to family: quit snacking on EVERYTHING!) DD decided she is having pizza, waffles and fruit roll ups for breakfast. Yes, its the skinny-little-bottomless-pit-of-an-8 year old. I told her 'carb carb carb!' She said 'I'll throw in some carrots and lettuce.' lol Logic of an 8 year old.
Oh, and mom sent me a pic of them on the porch of their hotel, rocking away, watching the sun set over the beach. Is that torture or what?
What did you get done today?
(I will say, I started my canvas/collage yesterday. So something is right with the world. Pictures of the progress to come...)
Ohhh, the suspense is killing me! Okay, off to I go... I'm baaaacccckkkkk!!! And the winner of one of my ATCs is..... Sharnie.R!!! I think you're in New Zealand if my memory serves me! If you'll email me with your address, I'll mail out the card of your choice (see the last post for the 2 cards to choose from)! What fun was this! Thanks to all who commented and joined my Feedblitz email group! I have more fun things happening soon (aka: freebies!) so stick around!
(Inchies shown are the previous prize, sent out to MD.)
Our homeschool has started again and surprisingly is running smoothly. I'm sure that will change! lol But for now, we're doing well. I've started making art again, hallelujah! Had some obligations to meet of ATCs for swaps. These were fun to make. Vintage Paris, Birds, Numbers and Colorful Collage ATCs. I think the last are my favs, but then again, my last made items usually are! haha
I just rec'd the latest copy of Cloth Paper Scissors. I always think the last issue is my favorite and then along comes a new one. Each one almost makes me dig out my sewing machine everytime! lol I'm only halfway thru but I'm already in love. I'm more determined than ever now to start my altered daily journal. I keep putting it off but I'm doing it this time (Who wants to do one with me?!!!!) There was a fabulous article about journals by Jean Littlejohn. I found a new up and coming artist whose work I'm in love with too! Charlotte Little. Go check her out! You've got to read this issue!
I also realized this week that I've let my Stampers Sampler and Somerset Studio. I'm about to cry! I'm off to re-up on my subscriptions. Post and tell me your favorite mags to read, especially art mags! I need some new suggestions.
Oh my criminies. I say this all the time. I mean, when things shock me. However I just looked up 'criminies' to see what I might be saying (you know, didn't want to embarrass myself too much on my blog saying something I shouldn't.) It's means "a meaty cultivated brown or tan mushroom that is of the same variety of button mushroom as the larger and more mature portobello". Sooooo... essentially, I've been saying 'oh my meaty brown mushrooms!' I'm a dweeb.
Can you believe its been a whole 'nother week since I blogged? Not that you all were waiting around with baited breath or anything for my wonderful words of wackiness. It's been a hugely busy week and a 1/2. Been planning the homeschool, listing on ebay like it's going out of style and so many other equally important things I can't think of at this precise minute. Not a brush, image or paint has been harmed in the making of this week. I have not made ANYTHING! I'm having withdrawls. Seriously, but until I get life in order, its on the back burner. I hate that. Homeschool starts tomorrow so hopefully that will start to run smoothly. Ebay is another can of worms.
Do you list auctions? I do. Again. I've done it off and on for over 7 years, with mostly success. DD and I decided we're back into it. I taught her how to list things and we're trying out a new accounting/listing program they offer (for a fee of course) so we can streamline everything. We plan to become PowerSellers. Not sure it will happen, but its a good project for us to work on together. Getting rid of extras around here for now. I listed the cutest tin, I almost kept to keep art supplies in. You should go see it. My ebay.
You should see the gift my friend Kathy sent me! She is just the mostest talentedest friend I have I've never met in real life! lol SHe sent me an ATC and a surprise of one of her prized metal tin quilted wallhangings I've been coveting. Get a gander at these babies ! And they're all mine! WAHHH HA HA HA HA (my attempt at an evil laugh. Did I scare ya? lol) GO see her Etsy store too!
Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hi. Thought I'd give away a freebie this week since I've been so lax in posting. If you're new to my blog, sign up for my feedblitz (over on the right column) to get an email when I post a post. You'll just need to confirm it in your email. Or, if you already belong to my feedblitz, to enter, just post here about the last thing you were looking for on ebay. I always like to see what people look for! OR, post your favorite clean saying. Anyone else out there say 'oh my meaty brown mushrooms!' ??!
The winner will pick between these 2 ATCs I've had sitting around needing a home (you take home 1 ATC). Tell you friends to come play! I'll pick a winner Monday. Enjoy!
It's been a busy weekend, so I'm just now announcing the winner of my Inchies. Congrats to: MsDublin! Not sure of your real name, but I'll be contacting you asap for your address. Thanks to everyone who joined my email notification thingie. I hope you will enjoy receiving updates when I post to my blog.
Not much art getting done this week. We're all about preparing for homeschool to start.
I'll post later about my weekend. What did you do this weekend?
I dreamt in color last night. I love those types of dreams. I only dream in color when I've been creating a lot before I go to bed. I dreamt of a painted paper collage where I glued, and painted, and drew with wild abandon, not worrying if anything was lined up at all. My brain likes to be all linear on me, lining things up, not adding 'too much stuff' to something, but my creative side wants to create freely. They're always fighting in my head. Last night I worked on a piece, that traditionally, everything SHOULD be lined up. (when its done, I'll show.) So its probably why my subconscious was craving disorder.
DH has my 8 yr old DD hooked on Godzilla now. They've been catching the old black and white movies on Saturdays and she just loves them. She built a towering Godzilla yesterday out of old (and new) priority mail boxes I had. She wanted him to be 'as tall as me' she said and I think he is just. She is in the process of painting him green now, but I thought I would share how he started. Isn't he cute?
I've been remiss in thanking my friend Sarah for the gorgeous package she sent me from France last week. I joined the SOSF Tea Party where we exchange packages, and boy was I a lucky one. I love everything I received! She even sent tiny sparklers we can do in the house!
This is a copy of a page from her journal. Isn't she a gorgeous painter? She said this is a painting of the garden where the lavender she sent is from.
Closeup of some of the yummy tea (I wish you could smell it!) and the postcards she sent.
This lavender smells so heavenly. It's still sitting in my art room because I love the smell. She sent a recipe for 'Lavender Tea Cookies' and 'Lavender Frosting' AND, if you'll notice in the first pic, she also sent SPRINKLES! We're going to have fun making these cookies!
I can't wait to use this paper in a collage. It's so beautiful. I'm also going to reuse the black envelope the card came in, since its a type of handmade paper.
It's a beautiful day today in my part of the country. Okay, its hot and I have the air conditioner on full blast... but one DD is painting a Godzilla, and another is listing stuff on Ebay so I DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALL. I think this means all is well with the world. Hope your day is a lovely one...
I love doing anything collage. Anything! (Just ask DH about the collaged phone in his office! lol) SO when I needed to make some inchies for trades, I thought I would go ahead and make a tutorial on what I use and how 'I' do collage in a small scale. I am most sure there are tons of different ways to make Inchies, but this is my way, and the supplies 'I' use. ArtsyMama is having an Artful Blogger party all day, so I thought I would be artsy and share this info. ** What some of my Inchies for your very own? Keep reading... ** Here goes (please excuse the pics, as they were taken at night):
1 - First, I pull on my hair and yell 'I have no idea what to do!' Then I just grab papers and try to get past my self-imposed artsy block (as usual). Scraps are great for this project, even the ends of painting projects. I used my Personal Trimmer to cut these up, but if you have a 1"x1" square punch, that would work great (and I would be jealous, because I don't have one yet.)
2 - I like to also grab extra scraps to use for contrast on the squares. Just for added interest. Sometimes I'll use a vellum, mulberry paper, handmade papers or tissue papers too. Scraps of watercolor projects are fun to use too.
3 - I have a 'thing' for images, in fact my friends can pick my ATCs out of a crowd because I almost ALWAY use a person on them. So my next requirement would be images. I have used the Mini Chix from ArtchixStudio, stamps are great for small detailed images, Starbucks stickers work well too. Anything with a small image you can cut out. Or, if you like stamps, pull out some that have smaller images, heads, etc...
4 - Okay, the 2nd thing I have a passion for are WORDS. I love for anything I make to have words, sayings, quotes, letters or even names on it. I just love the written word. It's probably why I'm a spelling and grammar fanatic. My favorite products for little words are the 7Gypsies Stickers with all the rows and rows of small words and sayings. I also like their RubOns 'Rubbings'. I think the white sheet of words I'm showing there might be K&Co? They just give any project that last little 'oompf'.
5 -Finally, my new love. Pens. Gel pens, puffy pens, glitter pens. You name it, I wanna use it. On these Inchies, I stuck with using the Sakura Glaze and Souffle pens. I'm also stuck in dot-land. I love making dots around the edges of all my projects. On some things I just draw a line around, and the glaze pens are so shiny!
Now, It's just a matter of layering. Use your extra papers to enhance your backgrounds, put a strip across the middle or the bottom. Get creative. I even stamped on the background as well with a postage stamp set. Then, pick an image that might match the colors, or even contrasting colors give an interesting effect. Or stamp an image. Sometimes it looks cool to color in the image with marker or paint. Next, pick a rubon or sticker word that embodies the Inchie. This is the time to have a bit of fun. Finally add your final details with pens, star stamps, jewels, etc...
I find that once I have all my supplies laid out and ready, these Inchies go very quickly. In fact I had to force myself to stop last night just so I could get some sleep. lol You can also add things like glitter, jewels, ribbon/fiber, paint, embellishment, little bits of fabric, sequins, game pieces and more.
** Want some of my Inchies?! Sign up to receive my Email Updates (in the upper right box, it says FeedBlitz). Confirm it when they send an email to you. I will draw a name at the end of the week and someone will win 10 Inchies! **
Have fun making some, and if you use this tutorial, let me know. I wanna see what you make!
DD's 8th birthday party was a big success. I believe about 26 people showed up. We grilled, danced to the ChaCha Slide, Played games (all sorts), jammed to Guitar Hero (Playstation 2 game), ate food, lots of cake & popsicles and opened presents. What else would you expect from a birthday party?!
Couple of my favorite moments: * Grandma doing the ChaCha (below in the peach shirt, 4th pic) * DH substituting the pinata head for his (very becoming) * Spontaneous sing-a-long (at the top of all our lungs) to 'I Love Rock-N-Roll, Put Another Dime In the Jukebox Baby', while someone played it in Guitar Hero. * At the end of the day, DD and cousins stuffed their dresses with leftover water balloons just for fun!
Here's the pictures to prove it (birthday girl is in the red sundress) - CLICK for CLOSEUPS:
Stay tuned for my next post. A tutorial of sorts...
I can feel it. Can you? The end of summer is creeping up on me and I feel the urgency to do as much art as time (and family) will allow. It's like a death sentence! Not really, but you know how things get busy in the fall. Homeschool for us starts in 3 weeks and I'm SOOOOOOOOO not even ready. I haven't even ordered my curriculum. BAD ME! Ugh. I'll get to it though.
In the meantime, I've been listing stuff on eBay, making ATCs, finished up my altered book page for club this weekend and trying to keep the house clean (with almost 30 guests coming Saturday.) Now THAT'S an uphill battle. *sigh*
ATCs for today (click for closeups).
The book I worked in this month was the leader's book. Talk about intimidating! I hope she likes it. It was really an open theme book so I was stumped as usual. But I started with a credit card scrape background and went from there. The black 'dots' around the edges are sewn on black beads. I kind of like it!
Tomorrow I'll be shopping for food and party stuff. Picking up a pinata, cake and frosting (we're having a butterfly cake and smiley face cupcakes. Don't ask.)
Friday I'm running down to where my GGma used to live and helping go through her house. We've been told we can pick some things to take home of hers, to remember her by. How do you do something like that? I have no idea. What one or two pieces embodies all that my great grandma was to me? I mean, I cherished her so much, my youngest has GGma's name as her middle name! I guess the 'things' don't matter. I have my dd to remember her by...