As I said in the last post... I'm feeling felty. I woke up to temps of 50 degrees, at least it felt like 50. Fall is finally coming I hope. I'm ready to hunker down in my pjs and slippers and stitch something. Long johns might be nice too. Need to get the chimney cleaned so we can have regular fires this winter. I miss that.
I've been looking around at felting projects, whether wet or dry felting. Even just using felt in a project. I want to try it all. Here are some pics and links I found.
The Funky Felter (I've bought from her and love everything she makes!)
Owl Kit
Isn't this the cutest?
Happy Little Bird Wallet
Cute owls!
Felt Trees Collage
Felted Bookmarks

Beautiful, but a little spooky for my tastes
I'm in love!
Love the elephant!
Watermelon Juicy Bug
The bracelet is beautiful!
Go see the 'felt tapestries' on the walls here! Fabulous!

Project I did last year (or beginning of this year? Can't remember.) Took a class on it, bought all the accoutrements and then never made another thing:

Links to wet and dry felting books on Amazon:
Wet & Dry Felting
Wool Felting
If you have a favorite felt project or pic you've found, can you link me? Or maybe a favorite felt supplier? I would be interested... Anyone have a surplus of 100% wool felt they want to trade for some art supplies or collaged work? hehe
I love the containers! I will have to try it. This is wiggywig - would you please send your email to me, I fixed my email problem - thanks !! Keep creating !!
Kris there is a place here in town that has it let me see if I can find their name. My mom gets her felt there kinda pricey but gorgeous stuff!
Be careful felting (even though it's wet) is addictive. Soon you'll want all the colours in all teh shades 9 I' ve just posted on duck-egg blue they make now...) i only know Uk suppliers I'm afraid, but for inspirtation you can look at Karoliina's work,
or this gallery:
the international Feltmakers Association is good but does not have any hints, demo or galleries. Enjoy!!
Oooh, I'm going to have to save these links. I'm new to felting, beyond purposely shrinking my wool sweaters a few years ago to make mitten ornaments. I just finished up some fabric pumpkins and used a green sweater for the stems. I love how they turned out and want to explore felting some more.
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