Okay, where was? Can't remember why I was blogging in the first place. I really need to find a friend who is up at 330 am central time so I don't sit here talking to myself all the time. Oh yeah, I was going to list all the new blogs I've been stalking... I'm too tired now. I'll list a few and you can read their highly mesmerizing writing and then come back another day and I'll have some more for you. *wink*
** Explanation first. I've been on a fabric making something kick lately (you remember the ill-fated Ed-iphant I spoke about...), so I've been looking at other fabric based blogs. Fun!
Wee Wonderfuls - adorable little animals and other fabulous creations. She just printed her own fabric!
Hop Skip Jump - some of the cutest bitty animals you ever did see!
Moopy & Me - Oh my word. I'm in heaven there!
RosiePosie - adorable drawings, sweetest little fluffy things she makes.
SouleMama - yummy creations and scroll down; she's making totes out of vintage CURTAINS! Where is my sewing machine?! I have to do that!
Imagine This - It's all yummy!
OneSundayAfternoon - great read
Anahata Katkin - SO inspiring. Can I be her when I grow up?
Green Frog Studio - I'm sure you know all about Celine Navarro, but I had to share her blog.
Art-E-Cats - Great reading, funny. Wonderful art too.
RagTags - good read
For your viewing pleasure if you have nothing else to do and you've read this far... I found several pics while I was organizing.
1 - Me at age 5, winning a ten speed bike. I was so cool!
2 - My 13 year old DD when she was 2 or so. This was before she had much hair, you see. Not like NOW, where she has all manner of dyed hairs. Ahhh, how they group up fast!
3 - My little 23 year old brother when he was like 1. I want a hat like that!
4 - Picture of said DD when she was a baby and my 23 year old brother was maybe 9? Such a good uncle...

Great pics and blog! I'm also a late night warrior. Sometimes I'm up at 2:00 am EST...not very good if you have a busy day ahead of you!
Love the "go eat worms" song and remember it well! My kids thought I was crazy when I started singing it! See...you're not alone!
Love the misc photos. I feel the same way - not a lot of people visiting mine either. Maybe it's because it's summer?
Love the cute pictures!! And yes I too talk to myself!! :)
Cute cute CUTE pictures!
Hey girl-Angie here- your swappee partner from "just a kid swap", just checkin out what kind of stuff inspires you! Thanks for the great info, making up this package sounds like great fun!Chat soon,
I think it's been a slow blog week! Good luck with your art room project. I started reading your blog, then read the part about getting disrtacted in Ebay, and remembered I am supposed to be buying Alexander's next size of cloth diapers on Ebay, so then I went and got distracted there for a while, but I did come back and finish your blog, eventually!
Ahh, you all are so sweet! I'm just feeling the blog-love! Thanks so much for posting. nice to know someone is out there! Now I need to go visit everyone else's blogs! Happy days!
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