So, did you watch the Oscars? I did. I mean, I had to. I ate my weight in italian food this afternoon while out with family and could do nothing other than lay around all evening like a slug! I think I even slipped off to sleep sometime in the afternoon too. See? Slug! Anyway, nothing huge happened at the Oscars, everyone that I saw looked beautiful. No streakers across the stage, no one fell despite 3 different people slipping on that little patch by the podium. I was horrified that one of the prego presenters (Cate Blanchett, Jessica Alba and Nicole Kidman) would slip! I'm very glad they let Marketa Irglova, the co-writer/winner of Best Song, come back and give her speech. It was fabulous. I loved seeing the montagues of past winners in different categories over the last 80 years. DH and I were like 'I've seen that movie, no, not that one, not that one...' So we've decided to find a list online of the 'Best Picture' winning movies and start watching them (* update: found it! *) Wouldn't that be a walk down history lane! I was surprised to see My Fair Lady and The Sound Of Music back to back in winning. I didn't know they were made one year after the other.
So after that I watched the previously taped show of Ellen where Josiah Leming was on. He is so good! I hope someone picks him up soon so I can buy his record. Okay, you know what I mean, CD. How old am I? 80? Might as well said 8-track or phonograph! My 8 year old asked me the other day what a record was. Even though her sister has a record player stuffed somewhere in her room. Ahhhh, the times, they are-a-changin'...
Today I found out Funky Finds has a $500 giveaway going on. Go see and enter! It ends Friday I think. If you win something, you gotta share a piece of it with me since I told ya about it, k?! lol Just kidding!
Finally, since I found out at dinner that my Sister In Law (HI KELLY!!! & tell that rotten brother of mine to quit laughing at my AeroGarden! lol I know yours is beautiful and stuff. BLECK!) stalks my blog too (not just my dd's) I'm posting family pics of our dinner today in the pope room at Buca Di Beppos. We had a wonderful time. The only drawback for me was, they've taken their Tortelloni off the menu! I think that is tantamount to a sin! If anyone has Buca's Tortelloni recipe, email me! They have fabulous decor. It's what we based out kitchen around. See all the fabulous wall art? (P.S. Kelly - if Maggie - I think I had Maggie with me and not Megan, starts talking about 'ole blue eyes', she's just referring to Frank Sinatra. I was taking pics of the domed ceiling in the back by the bathrooms with the posters on it and I said 'oh! Ole' blue eyes!' and she asked me what I said. So I told her all about him and how he sang beautifully and had blue eyes. I don't think she noticed the lady in the white bikini, don't worry. *wink* Oh! And the funniest thing! She saw the big pic of the ladies eating spaghetti and went 'EWWWWW, GROSS!' I explained that they were eating spaghetti and she said 'oh, I thought they were throwing up or sumtin' !' lol)
Family pics. The one in the pope's chair is my beautiful mother. Doesn't she look so young?!

My youngest dd is on the right (girls are enjoying their gifts. We always give gifts at this annual event).

My sick dd in the middle, poor thing.

I love these and want to use them in art.

My youngest dd is on the right (girls are enjoying their gifts. We always give gifts at this annual event).

My sick dd in the middle, poor thing.

I love these and want to use them in art.

I thought this was a great pic and statue until I noticed her, ummm, unmentionable! And right next to the pope's cross even!

And because my SIL decided to stalk me, here's a pic of her eating! hehe (evil laugh ensues.)
Good night all. Homeschooling comes early. It's the start of another week. Have a lovely one!
Kris, Kris, you are indeed the blog queen! And I can't even get my stinkin' email to open at home . . . by the way, we are no longer hermit sisters. Anyone who goes to a shindig like this canNOT qualify as a genuine hermit.
That's in the bylaws. As opposed to inlaws. Which are now for all to see on your blog. You have such a fun family!
Anyway, I will join you in blogland on Wednesday, which is when I'm supposed to help with auctions, but in reality, most of the time is spent looking at other people's blogs and artwork.
Haven't been fired yet! ;)
*cough, Cough*
I'm still sick, which is quite sad.
I ♥ my canvas! Thank you, I shall hang it up soon... as soon as I clean my bedroom... Does that count as a chore? Do I get paid to clean it? ;D
L♥VE Alexandria
Also... you asked about the white bands of color on the flickr link on the right? Well, I know how to fix those, I'll do it for you later... go look at mine, it's a different color!
L♥VE Alexandria
Hi Kris,
Guess what ? we are Playing tag and your it!
Your Bucca pics CRACK me up! There is always interesting dinner conversations when we go there being that half the statues are naked and my kids LOVE to ask questions! LOL!
But never been lucky enough to sit at the Pope table!
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