So, I'm sitting here still, doing nothing. Thinking of all sorts of ideas for the chicken wire crown I was supposed to finish last month. And remember, I'm wanting to do some assemblage this year (its on my goal resolutions list). So I've been etsysurfing with that in mind. Found some wonderfully delicious shops with Assemblage art!
(ravenwolf) http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5158284§ion_id=5101916
(Stunning painting is by Ellistrations. Go buy it!)
This is a form of art I had never heard of... Pencil Boards. Amazing!
And this! I love this (by Pixman):
I recommend that you go to each and every shop on this list and oogle! They're all talented artists! Even buy a few things if it strikes your fancy! It's always great to support handmade artists.
I'm thinking, after I whip out the crown and finish it, I might work on this small shadowbox shaped like a house that I found while cleaning off my shelves. I could add arms and legs or maybe a head. Assemblage I just really have never done but its already February and what have I tackled from my goals? Abolutely nothing...
And not to be outdone, Flickr shows off these assemblage artists:
Abstractions Art http://www.flickr.com/photos/elainekerr/2100388332/
Lockwasher http://www.flickr.com/photos/lockwasher/158086885/
Miss JJj http://www.flickr.com/photos/missjjj/220422761/
Catbishop http://www.flickr.com/photos/artofcatbishop/419676577/
Mary Bogdan http://www.flickr.com/photos/marybogdan/39101351/
JuniperTrail http://www.flickr.com/photos/junipertrail/1297735531/
Skippy T Mouse http://www.flickr.com/photos/gardenfriends/215445932/
Freya P http://www.flickr.com/photos/7156922@N06/1549063377/in/set-72157602155121915/
JudyWilko http://www.flickr.com/photos/7802324@N02/950553127/in/photostream/
HealingExpressions http://www.flickr.com/photos/healingexpressions/1407410109/
UrbanWoodsWalker http://www.flickr.com/photos/urbanwoodswalker/
Don't you think we have enough to get us started in assemblage?! Are you making or have made any assemblage pieces? I would love to oogle them. Post with a link!
I don't mind at all, thank you so much for adding me.
And it was fun to look through the other shops, I even found some friends in there that I haven't talked to in awhile.
Love your blog too, thanks again!
Brought home a bag of goodies Friday, some fun little metal kitchen things. Guess which smart-mouth child said this:
"Oh, great. More junk for junk
sculptures. Just what we needed."
Hope you are feeling better Kris! Let us know if you need anything :)
Here's the link to Sweet Bella:
It's a LOT of fun. There's also a Sweet Bella Flickr group where you can see what people have been making so far.
Let me know if you join. I'd love to see what you make,
I just posted a Spring Baby Lamb shadowbox on my Etsy..
Awesome blog. I most definetly will be back when I have more time. Another great site is www.otherpeoplesflowers.blogspot.com Thank you for sharing so many links.
Thanks for the great list of assemblage links and for adding my flickr site.
@ Trisha Too: The comment gave me a giggle because I used to hear "What the heck are you making now with that junk?" When the 'junk art' started to sell their tune changed to "I found this, do you think you can use it for something?" Hang in there!
Thanks for taking the time to post all of these links. That was a lot of work! Here's my assemblage blog:
Thanks for the great site and links. I have a site up at www.artfoundango.com
Please check it our when you have time. Thanks! Randy
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